Chapter 6

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~*Sophie's POV*~

School, here's a definition, it sucks ass. When you go to learn and see friends, it could be alright, but when you don't have friends to distract you when you're stressed, that's another. I've seen Luke four times today, he didn't even look at me. I saw Ashton today, he at least smiled, but Luke elbowed him for doing it. Mike said hi to me, but I just smiled back because I don't know what will happen if I reply back. And Mia, she just stands off to the side like it's completely normal. I'm just ready to eat lunch and go home. Let's see if I can find somewhere to sit today.
As I'm walking around, I see Max looking, and I think watching me, from his table. I just give him a sarcastic smile and turn the other way. I was about to walk out of the cafeteria when I felt a hand grab my arm.
"We have an extra seat at my table if you want to sit there." I turn around, and turns out it was Max who asked me that. I look over his shoulder and his whole table is watching us.
"Um, no thanks I don't feel like being someone else's freak show." I said and he looked at me confused. Then I pointed to his table.
"I told them not to watch." He turned back to face me, his face a little pink. "Look, I just thought since you're letting me stay at your house for a while, I could give you somewhere to sit, but if you don't want to there are plenty of other girls who would love to sit with me." I just looked at him with complete shock.
"Just today, and if I find out this is some kind of joke, you're out of my house. Got it?" I said to him.
"Yeah, got it." He said. So I followed him back to his table. People stopped eating and talking and watched. So I yelled out "What are you all looking at, have you never seen two people walking before?" And then people slowly went back to eating.
Max turned his head and said, "nicely done." And I just smiled. When we got to his table the empty seat just happened to be facing Luke's table. One of Max's friends asked me "do you want to switch seats with me?" I looked at him. He looked very nice, to nice to be hanging out with Max.
I smiled at him and said "no I'm alright, thank you though." He looked at me a little sad.
"Ok." He said.
We were all deep in a funny conversation when Luke came and walked by me and spilt his milk on me. I can't believe it. Two days in a row I've had something spilt on me. I turned around and he said "oh, are you going to go back to the bathroom and cry?" He said referring back to yesterday.
"No and by the way I didn't cry, I was trying to get it out of my dress and I just happened to have an awesome friend that happened to have clothes for me." I said and turned around back to the table.
"You're just weak." He said. Now I got mad, but held it in.
"I'm far from weak, just please leave." I said.
"Whatever." He said and left.

End of school day

When I went to go to my bus I saw Ashton. "Hi Ashton." I said and before he responded he looked around.
"Hi Sophie. Are you ok from the milk."
"Yeah I'm fine it's just a little milk. Um, I'm going to ask you this because you're the only one who will talk to me, what is going on with you guys? Why are you all being so mad at me?" He looked a little confused. Then he said " I don't want know what is going on with Luke and Mia, but Mike and I just do what we're told. The week you were gone, something happened with Luke and he started being a dick, so..."
I'm a little confused. "What do you mean you and Mike just do what you're told?"
"He said you did something and he wouldn't tell us what it was and he said not to talk to you." Oh, ok. "I know it sounds stupid, but I was mostly worried about you and how you would feel and if you could handle it." I am now pissed.
"Why do you guys all think I'm so weak, you guys know what I went through with my dad when Grace died." He looked upset. "I have a bus to catch." And I started to walk away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." He said and I turned around.
"It's ok, but I'm sorry for you. You're the weak one, you can't even stand up to Luke. See you around." And I walked to the bus. I've realized that I don't need to worry about them, they aren't my friends anymore, and maybe they never were.

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