Chapter 3

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Today I can finally go back to school. I have been dying being stuck in my room for a week. I was able to go to school two days ago, but my dad said to stay home, and of course I obeyed. I've been pretty lonely, the only person that came to see me was Max and that was last Tuesday, he came to see me, but none of my friends did. Maybe they're just busy. Luke said he would give me a ride today. He said he'd be here by seven. I have half an hour to get ready. What to wear? I feel like a dress, so I decide to put on my favorite on, it's dark pink with brown polka dots with I big opening in the back (outfit on sidebar). It's about mid-thigh length. I think is super cute and I have a hair bow that matches, a little kiddish, but hey, it's cute, and every time I wear it somebody comments. I'm not going to bother straightening my hair, I'm just going to take a shower and blow dry it, that's good enough.

I'm done with my shower with ten minutes to spare, oh no. I don't have time to blow dry. I pulled on my dress and pulled back my hair and clipped it. Put on a foundation powder and a little blush and lipgloss, put on my cute baige flats and waited on my front porch. 7:01, I'm on time, but he's not. I'll give him a few more minuets.

~*20 minutes later*~
Wow, he's still not here. Ok time to call.  I dialed his number and in the fifth ring he answered.
"Hey Luke, where are you?"
"What do you mean I'm at school with the gang, well, mostly Mia, where are you"
"You have got to be kidding me, you were supposed to pick me up 20 minutes ago."
He let out a laugh "and you're still waiting on your porch?" Oh my gosh, did he just laugh at me?
"Yes, because you said you'd be here, now I'm going to be late for school."
"Do you want me to swing by?" Did he really just ask me if I wanted him to swing by.
"No thanks, I'll find my own ride." I said in a very annoyed tone.
"Ok, whatever you say."
"You're unbelievable. God, you're supposed to be my friend, whatever. See you at school."
"I'm not that unbelievable, I'm just trying to kick you out of the group nicely. Don't count on seeing me at school." And with that the line went dead. I can not believe this. What happened in the week I was gone? Great, now I have to find a ride to school in less than 20 minuets. Just then I think the big guy up there saw me worrying, because I heard Max come out of his house. I started running, and I completely forgot I had a dress on. As I got to his driveway I stopped to breathe. He looked at me weirdly.
"What's up with you?" He asked me.
"I need a ride." Man straight to the point today.
"Ok." Well that was easy. "Go get your stuff off your porch and I'll meet up at your house."
"Ok thanks." And I started running again, except this time I held my dress down. I soon as I got to my porch, he was there. As soon as I got in the car I asked "so did you miss the bus today or something?" He looked at me.
"No, I just didn't feel like riding, and you?" Great, now the embarrassing part.
"No, my friend Luke was supposed to pick me up, but he forgot." He eyed me, it was kind of creepy.
"Oh, ok. Well let's go or we're going to be late."
"Thanks for the ride by the way. Um.. can I get a ride after school today?" Please say yes, I don't want to ride the bus.
"Um, sure. I have a thing to go to though so I'll just text when I'm ready."
"Ok but I don't have your number."
"Oh that's right, ok, I'll type it in your phone when we get there."
"Great, thanks."

When we arrived at school we swapped numbers and parted ways. Today was going to be a long day. Since all my "friends" were on time today I can go to my locker and hopefully not have to worry about running into them. Thank goodness, I can go to my locker drama free. As I got my books I closed my locker and turned around, there was Luke. Just walk away. He said not to bother him, but he's walking towards me. Just keep walking.
"Hey Sophie, I just wanted to let you know, you're going to have to find a new lunch table because we don't want you at ours anymore." Luke said. I turned around and regretted everything that came out of my mouth,
"Okay, that's fine, I have plenty of people who would love to sit with me."
"Yeah right. I have to go find Mia, later."
"Don't later me." I said, man I have never been that rude to Luke before. Oh well, he sort of deserves it. Great, now I have to find someone to sit with at lunch because he was right about something, nobody really likes me in this school.

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