Chapter 11

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~*Sophies POV*~

When I woke up I was in Max's arms. He was on his knees getting grass stains on his nice, new khakis.

"You're going to ruin your pants." I said to him. I guess I made him jump because when I spoke he looked a little startled. But when he looked at me, he smiled.

"Out of all things, that's what you're worried about?" He asked with a cute smile on his face.

"Of course, you look good in those pants." I said with a smile. His face was a happy, but concerned face.

"Please don't worry about me, this is all just a part of it all." I said. He looked like he tensed up even more.

"Yeah I guess so, it's just sort of scary, that's all." He said. He stood up and then extended his arm to help me up.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He said. We started walking back to the car. I feel kind of bad now, did I ruin this date? It was so amazing, I hope I didn't wreck it. What if he doesn't like me anymore?

"I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me kind of confused.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked.

"Because I ruined the night by fainting." I said. He looked at my and sort of laughed.

"You could never ruin anything, and you definitely didn't ruin anything, I'm just glad you're awake." He said. He is so sweet. I wish everyone knew how sweet he was.

"Ok, that's good. I don't want to screw anything up." I said. He looked at me with a serious face and a small smile.

"You can't screw this up, I think thats pretty much impossible. And I'm not going anywhere." He said.

We finally got back to the car. He walked over to the passenger side with me, but he didn't open the door. He just stood there and kept looking at me.

"Are you o-" I was cut off by Max's pleasant lips against mine. He leaned me against the car and he pushed up against me. He kept moving his head at different angles and kept trying new things out. He bit my bottom asking for access, which I gave to him. We stayed like this for a long time until it started to rain, and even then, we stayed for what felt like an eternity.

He stopped kissing me and looked at me in the eye with a serious look.

"Now, I don't ever want you to think you can ruin anything up or screw anything up or do something to loose me, because I'm not going anywhere. And I would miss that way to much." He said. I smiled.

"Ok, I won't." Was all I could say. The rain started to come down hard so he finally opened the door and I got in. He closed the door and ran to his side. Once he got in we drove home.


When we got home we took showers and got ready for bed, except we didn't go to bed. We went downstairs and turned on the TV.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked. I am super excited for the movie. He gave me the sexiest, darkest look ever.

"We're not going to watch a movie. Instead, I have decided to teach you how to play the best video game of all time." He said as he was hooking up the Xbox. He was super excited. We haven't used that Xbox since Grace died.

"And what game would that be?" I asked him with amazement.

"Portal 2. It's super cool, I think you'll like it." He said. He is so excited. A bad boy and gamer nerd, I'm liking the combination. I gave him a big smile.

The Boy Next Door, Maybe?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя