Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry the updates have been getting slower. I have had a lot of tests and school has been super busy. I have been updating as fast as I've been able to.
Here is the new chapter, a lot happens in this chapter so I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote, like, and comment!

~*Sophie's POV*~
  It's Saturday and Max has planned something for us to do, but he won't tell me what it is. It's killing me. All I know about it is that I need to dress casual and to bring an extra jacket. I'm getting dressed and I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. In came Max. I turned to him. He looked hot. He had on simple khakis and a white polo shirt.

"I thought you said to dress casual?" I asked.

"I am, but my typical casual I felt wasn't appropriate enough, so, yeah." He said. He sounds so nervous, it's cute. I turned back to the mirror and started putting on light makeup.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I was worried about him, he shouldn't be this nervous. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He said. He is so not fine, but I should probably leave him alone about it.

"Ok." I said. He left the room. I finished my makeup which is very minimal, I hate when people wear a lot of makeup, it looks so bad. I put my makeup bag away and grab my jean jacket. I am now ready to go. When I get downstairs Max just stares at me.

~*Max's POV*~
  Sophie is coming down the stairs, and when I turn around, she stops me dead in my tracks. She is so beautiful. She's wearing a baby pink shirt that compliments her skin very nicely. She's also wearing skinny jeans, brown boots, and a jean jacket. She even straightened her hair.                                                 

"What?" She asked. She sounded worried, that's cute.

"Nothing, its just that you look amazing." Crap. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. Her face is starting to turn pink, that is so cute.

"Oh, okay." She said.

"You ready?" I asked. She nodded. I opened the door for her and she smiled as she walked by. We walked to the car, and once again, I opened the door for her, and once again, she smiled. Then I got in the car and we were off. She smelled so good, like flowers and fruit.

"So, am I allowed to know where we are going now?" She asked. She has been asking me since I told her we were going somewhere.

"Nope, not yet, but you will figure it out sooner or later." I said. She looked at me with a disapproving look. She was trying to keep a straight face, but was failing.

"Fine." She sounded so disappointed.

"Trust me, you'll be glad I'm not telling you." I said while smiling.

"Okay." She said.

~*10 Minuets Later*~

~*Sophie's POV*~

We pulled into a weird place. There is just trees and a trail going through the trees. We get out of the car and I just stand there. He starts walking then turns towards me.

"What wrong? Are you okay?" He said. He hurried over to me.

"I'm fine, I am just wondering what you're planning in doing after we walk into those woods." I said and giggle at the same time. He just did that cute little smirk.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." He said with a smart tone and a smirk. I'm sort of nervous. He starts walking again and this time I follow. We are walking down the mysterious trail. I do have to admit, it is beautiful here. The trees are very tall and strong. The stars are starting to show, they are so pretty. He stops walking and turns towards me.

"What?" I ask. He walks towards me. He puts his hands over my eyes.

"You'll see, its a surprise. I'll tell you when you can open your eyes." He said. Okay, now I'm scared.

"Okay." Was all I could say. We walked for a while and he helped me over sticks and hills.

Then we stopped walking and he said, "We're here." He took his hands off my eyes. "You can open your eyes now." He said. So I did as he said, and opened my eyes. It took my breath away. There was an open field with a single hot air balloon. I turned towards him and I could tell my eyes were huge.

"This, is truly amazing!" I said. I am so happy. How did he even manage to do this? I looked at him. He looked a little worried. "What's wrong?"

"Do you really like it or are you just saying that to make me happy?" Oh my gosh he is so cute, he is so worried for no reason.

"I love it and I'm just looking at it." I said. He looked like some tension was just released.

"Ok, so lets get this night started with." He said. He sounded so happy. He started walking towards the hot air balloon, I followed. We went into the hot air balloon and there was a table set up with two plates with food, champagne glasses, and three candles. This is so amazing!

"I can't believe you did all of this." I said in amazement.

"Of course, only the best for you." He said with a huge smile. We walked into the hot air balloon and he closed the basket. He turned it on and we started floating up. The view was great from up here. We started eating and we talked and laughed and had a great time. It's been about 20 minuets and he changes the topic.

"So I was at the store the other day, and I came across something." He said.

"And that is..." I said.

"I found this..." He held out a box, "and I thought of you." He said and handed me the box. I opened it and it was a beautiful necklace that had a small flower on it.

"This is beautiful." I said. "Thank you so much, but I do have a question, how did this necklace make you think of me?" I asked.

"I was sort of hoping you would ask that. Well, it's rare, beautiful, and fragile, but it's strong at the same time. It has a characteristic that nothing else has, it's one-of-a-kind." He said. That is amazing.

"Wow, you are truly amazing. Thank you so much. Can you help me put it on?" I asked. He just nodded his head and moved closer. After he latched it on his hands lingered on my neck for a second, then he put a gentle kiss on my neck. I started to slowly turn around and I planted a soft but powerful kiss on his lips. We stayed like that for a while. I felt the hot air balloon descending back down to earth. He stopped kissing me to guide the balloon.

"That, was amazing." He said. His face was a bright pink. I honestly can't believe I just did that.

"Yeah, it was." I said. We landed and he turned of the balloon. We got out and started to walk back to the car.

"Thanks for this, it was really great. No one has ever done anything like this for me." I said.

"Of course, anything for you." He said.

He started saying something else but I was struggling to hear. My vision started getting blurry and my knees felt weak, then all of a sudden, it went black.

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