How it started.

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I scraped what was left of my body away from the Main Street. My cut body leaving a trail of blood behind me. There are some sick people in the world. I was beaten and battered then thrown in the streets. I can't go home from a party looking like this.

*flash back*

'Bye mum'
'Bye sweetie. Stay out of trouble and make sure you walk home with someone.'
'Don't worry mum I will' I replied and turned to face the door. I opened it and walked to my friend Ravens house.

We spoke for a little while and then made our way out of the door and towards the party. On our way we got wolf whistled and clicked at. We just ignored and carried on our way.

I was enjoying myself. It turned about 11:30 and people started leaving. I looked around for Raven but she was no where. The party was dying down and almost everyone had gone. I had to go my mother would be worried sick if I wasn't home before long.

I thanked the door man as I left and headed home. On my way I found myself wondering why I hadn't searched for someone else to walk with me. It started to dawn on me that there was heavy footsteps following behind me.

*End of flashback*

I lay still on the ground in a dark alley where no one could see me. My arms were black and blue with cuts all over me. As I hunched over and cuddled my legs I heard a group of men walk down the alley.

I bugged up to the wall even more
So that I was sure they wouldn't see me. I made sure I didn't make a single noise and just held my legs for a little bit of safety.

The men walked passed not knowing I was there. I let out a sigh of relief and buried my head into my arms and cried about what had just happened.

After a while I felt something warm being draped over me and then everything fell black.

How was it?? Do you like it?? Thanks for reading and I will update soon!!

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