"Maybe we should spend sometime in the dark together, I promise I'll say anything you want me to," he smiled leaning towards her with a smirk. She seemed a bit hesitant at first but then allowed him to back her into a corner were he leaned in to kiss her.

I snuck a glance at Jacob whose body was rigid beside me. His hands were clenched into fists and he looked like he wanted to look away from the computer but he glared on, his eyes burning a hole on the screen.

A few seconds later Tiffany walked down the hall in her evening dress and caught sight of them. She stared at them, confused, for a few seconds before turning around and quickly going back to wherever she had come from.

"That was at seven thirty-two," Aunt Ally noted looking at the display time. We all nodded our heads and continued to watch the video.

"Don't you have a ball to go to?" Blaire asked, pushing him away from her slightly.

"Yeah but this is much better don't you think?" he asked and she nodded her head with a smile.

"We should go somewhere else," she told him right before he leaned in to kiss her again.

"Like where?" he asked tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She was about to open her mouth to say something but before she could get another word out her eyes widened looking at something behind Marco. He turned around just as three figures stepped into the frame, with a guns pointing at both of them.

"Where did they come from??" Lavender asked and Minerva rushed in exiting from full screen as she searched through more surveillance pictures.

"If they were both against the wall in front of the library then they had to have come from somewhere on the left," Eric told her and she nodded her head as she scrolled through hundreds of video clips.

"Here," she pointed to a frame. Sure enough there were the tall figures dressed in all black who all but appeared from behind a book shelf.

"Did they just come out of a wall??" I asked.

"Secret passageway of some sort. These people have full access to the Embassy," my aunt muttered angrily. We turned our attention back to the other video.

"Who are you?" Marco yelled as he stood in front of Blaire protectively but Blaire didn't need the protection. She was trying to get to the figures, ready and in her fighting stance, but Marco was blocking her.

"Both of you follow me or I'll shoot," a man's voice replied as he loaded his gun.

"No, I'll call security," he replied and began turning around. Blaire made a noise of disapproval as she attempted to stop him from turning his back to the shooter but it was too late. The gunman aimed his gun and shot twice.

Blaire acted quickly and tackled Marco down to the ground. The first shot missed them both entirely and the second one grazed just by the side of Blaire's face hitting her but probably not causing much damage.

"Wait! We'll go, don't shoot us," Blaire said standing up and putting both of her hands in the air. The side of her face was bleeding but other than that she seemed alright.

"Move it then," another gunman yelled as the other two picked up Marco who had tears coming down his face. He was kicking and trying to yell but they pressed a cloth to his face making him pass out.

"Come on!" the gunman yelled pointing his gun at Blaire who seemed to be weighing her options. If she fought she could probably take down this gunman while the other two we preoccupied with Marco but that was a huge risk since he had a gun aimed right at her.

Instead she raised both of her hands in surrender. However before walking towards the gunman she did something weird. She looked up, directly at the camera. Then with her right hand she vigorously scratched the inside of her left wrist without breaking eye contact with the camera.

Losing his patience, the gunman grabbed Blaire by her shoulder and tossed her in front of him. He then shot the cameras and everything turned into static.

"How did no one see this?" I asked mad that the security staff was so useless that they couldn't be counted on to watch some video footage.

"How did no one hear the guns go off??" Tiffany asked incredulously.

"Ok other than the incompetence of the Embassy's staff, what did we learn from this?" Aunt Ally interrupted our rants.

"They've taken both Blaire and Marco and we have no idea where they are," Palma answered.

"They could be anywhere from halfway across the world to the walls of the Embassy," Tiffany shook her head in anger.

"No, that's not true," Jacob contradicted her.

"What do you mean?" she asked him.

"Blaire was up to something. Did you see how she looked at the camera? She knew someone was going to look at the surveillance clips eventually," he pointed out.

"Yeah so?" Eric asked.

"So she was trying to leave us a message," he reasoned.

"The trackers!" Lavender yelled and we all turned to look at her in confusion.

"Remember they placed identification chips in our wrists when we first came here?" Lavender reminded us of the first week in the summer program. During orientation everyone had identification chips inserted in the inside of their writing hand.

"You think that it can be used to track Blaire down," I finished for her.

"And wherever Blaire is, Marco is," Jacob concluded with a semi-sour expression.

"Well then what are you all standing around for? We have work to do," Aunt Ally exclaimed.

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