~Chapter 1~

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Aphmau's POV

My throat was dry. All I see is darkness. I try to move around, but I can't. My body won't function with my brain. I start to panic as I try to move my fingers. I'm in a solider position on the hard from what I could feel, it was steel. It was freezing cold. From what I could see, I was wearing a black sundress. It had no ruffles, it was just a straight dress. It just had straps and no sleeves. I coughed, my throat extremely dry. The air started to get colder. If I was able to shiver, I guarantee that is what I would be doing.

The hair on my neck suddenly stood up. I could hear a distant whisper. My body got goosebumps as they continued to get louder.

"Die, die, die."

"Your friends wiiiillll"


"Aphmau? Aphmau!"

Huh? I felt all of my senses come back to me as I opened my eyelids to see a girl with baby blue hair and matching eyes looming over me. I moved my fore finger and thumb to see if I could move. I sighed in relief when they flinched. I coughed and Katelyn gave me a jug of water. I gladly accepted it, giving her a nod. After I refreshed my mouth, my brain started to function better. "What did those voices mean?" "What does it mean by Die?" "Why couldn't I move?" Those were just some of the questions that crossed my mind. I started to panic, and my eyes widened slightly. Katelyn looked at me worriedly. I opened my mouth and a husky version of my voice came out.

"Katelyn, what happened?"

She looked at me for a second before answering.

"You saved Dante from an arrow, somehow. Laurence and I were looking after you, but he fell asleep." I looked next to her, and loandbehold was Laurence. His usually neat brown hair, was messy. He had bags under his eyes. There were barely noticeable though. I noticed he was in a wooden chair, sleeping.

"Where's Dante, Katelyn?"

Her stomach grumbled, and she frowned slightly.

"Last time I saw him, he was at his house with Kawaii~Chan. Do you need anything else, Aphmau? Because I'm kind of hungry." And as if on key, her stomach growled once more.

"N-no I'm alright Katelyn. Thank you." She nodded at me before running to the food at the other side of the tree. I sighed and kept thinking. Honestly, I should go check on Da-

Before I could finish my thought, I heard footsteps running. I heard two voices, one male and one female. Before I could do anything though, a man with striking blue hair and a girl with light brown hair that goes down to her waist.

"Aphmau! There are people at the gates and they say they know you!"

Thank you everyone for reading! This is my edited version, so it is different than the other chapters ahead. I am currently in the editing process, so please be patient.


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