"With him" Draco looked at Neville, "Neville." He said.

Luna scoffed, "Of course not. He has a girlfriend for goodness sakes, and I'm not such a daft to let him cheat on his girlfriend because of me." Luna whispered rather angrily.

"Oh, um, sorry, I wasn't meaning to asked that it's just that--"

Draco's sentence was cut off by a loud squeal from upstairs.

"Ginny?! What's wrong?!" Mrs. Weasley called out.

Ginny came thundering down her footsteps and said words so loudly and rapidly to make out.

"What?" Hermione asked.

Ginny waved a violet letter in front of everyone.

"Bloody thing, just spit it out!" Ron yelled.

Ginny breathed and shook her hands.

"Oh my gosh, oh Merlin's Beard! We are going to be in the cover of Witch Weekly Magazine!!" Ginny screamed.

Hermione blasted out of joy and screamed too. She stood and ran onto Ginny and the both of them squeal and jump in excitement.

"Well, that's great news for you girls!" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh and the best part is ... All of us we'll be included! The Big Seven as they call us, we'll be in the cover!!! They sent us a letter to us to come there and all!!!" Ginny all but yell.

"This is going to be great!" Luna stood gaining looks from people.

"I mean it would be fun, you know, with all of the pictures and pose and interviews, it would be-

"Amazing!" Hermione finished.

"There would be clothes and make up, and all sorts of stuff! It would be beautiful!" She said.

"And when do we have to do that?" Neville asked suddenly.

"Well..." Ginny unfolded the letter, "It says here that we would be in Diagon Alley by tomorrow, so that the pictorial should start and end early." She said.

"Well, we better be off, wouldn't we?" Ron stated.

"Ooohh ... Ronnie's gonna have a cover pictorial for a girl's magazine." George cooed.

"Shut up." Ron snarled.

Draco grinned for a moment, until Ron caught him doing so.

"Excited aren't you Malfoy?" Ron asked.

Draco smirked, "Stunned." He said.

Harry nearly choked at his drink and cough awkwardly, before he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"I think this would be exciting." Harry smirked.

"It would be marvelous." Draco agreed.

They all laughed, who knew Malfoy could have a great sense of humor?

"You're funny," Luna giggled.

Draco looked at her and smiled.

"Thanks." Draco said.

Luna smiled at him, and everyone continued eating.

Later that day, people already ate dinner and headed off to bed.
George was the first to go to bed, after Mrs. Weasley had gone to bed too.

Leaving Luna, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Draco and Neville, seating on the front porch steps looking at the stars.

"It's beautiful isn't the moon?" Ron said, making Harry look at him.

"Bloody hell, mate ... It's not about a potion!" Ron said defensively.

Hermione laughed, "Oh Ronald." She shook her head.

"Good night guys." Luna said before yawning.

"You're going to sleep?" Draco asked.

Luna nodded. "Yes, Good night everybody." She said.

Draco watched as Luna made her way in to the house.

When Luna was out of sight.
Ron immediately asked Draco an astonishing question.

"Do you like Luna?" Ron asked.

Draco looked at him with eyes wide.

"Answer it Draco." Ginny grinned.

"Is it too hard for the prince to answer?" Harry joked.

Draco look at them. " Well, I, um, I don't know, maybe, I mean she's cute and beautiful and--"

"Draco, your sweater is in my room." Luna's voice came.

Making Draco jump and yelp.
Luna looked at him confused.

"Are you alright?" She asked noticing the wide grins of everyone.

"Yes, yes, I am." Draco stammered.

Luna nodded and gave him his green sweater, before going in to the house again.

When Luna was now gone, everyone burst out laughing. Draco glared at everyone.

"Shut up." Draco sneered, before making his way out of the group.

"Malfoy's In Love!" Ron called.

"You should learn to 'Love Good!' Malfoy!" Harry shouted.

Draco shook his head and walked in, shutting his door loudly, covering his ears by his pillows.

Confessing was the least thing he could do, and now he was so regretting it.

AN: Hi guys, sorry for the late update. But I have updates so yehey!!! Happy new year everyone!

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