"But...if you're rolling on a budget, we have a few in the back that are cheaper than what we have here. I can bring them out and show you if you want."

"Really? Yeah! Actually that'll be great." Stiles responded.

"Okay. Sure! No problem! I'll be back in a few minutes." he said to Stiles while walking away.

After what seemed like five minutes he was coming towards Stiles with a cart that had three cameras on it.

"Okay. So here we have this Nokia and it has really good quality. Its durability is incredible. This one right here we have on sale for three hundred. The other two are exactly the same, except they have extra features that this one doesn't have. Those we have on sale for three fifty."

Stiles just eyed the cameras and just let out a heavy sigh. Jordan looked at the brown eyed boy and saw a sad expression falling upon his face.

"Okay look, I can probably give you my employee discount. It's forty-five percent off the original price. Only cause I like you and I know you. How's that sound?" Jordan whispered with a smile on his face.

"Wow! Dude really? Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that would help me out!" Stiles said flabbergasted.

"Yeah, don't mention it man. I like to help people out a lot. It's no problem. So...you can pick one. Whichever one. Even one of the most expensive ones."

Stiles ended up picking one that costed four twenty five and actually ended up getting it for half off. He was so grateful that Jordan was there to pull some strings for him. Now that he had the camera, step one of his plan to surprise Jackson was complete. Hopefully everything else goes smoothly like he thought it out in his head.

He was about to text Erica that he was heading towards the food court, when his phone vibrated.


Boyd: Where are you?!?!?

Scott: On my way to Derek's! Everyone meet us there!

Stiles: On our way!

Stiles called Erica and told her to stop everything. He told her to find Kira and Liam so they could leave immediately.


Everyone made it to Derek's to see a very anxious and extremely worried Scott. Perhaps more worried than he should've been.

"So what exactly happened Scott?" Derek asked him once everyone was there.

"It just happened so quickly. We were playing video games and we kept hearing noises coming from the backyard, so we went to check it out. Before we knew it, some strange tall armored creatures appeared from the skies. They started attacking us out of no where. We ran for cover from them and they landed across from us. They were coming towards us and we had no choice but to fight them off. We fought with all our strength, but it was no use. Nothing seemed to affect them. They almost seemed to be indestructible. I tried to fight them off, but everything I did was useless. Before I knew it they knocked Isaac off conscious. I tried to help him, but the other one stopped me by flapping its wings so fast, that it blew me up against the wall of the house. I couldn't do anything to save him! They got away with Isaac! I've never felt so helpless ever before in my life..."

"I warned them to stay away from my friends" Stiles said under his breath.

"What?" asked Scott.

"Those creatures...are the same ones that showed up and attacked Jackson, Derek, Liam, Kira, and I after our Thanksgiving dinner. They're not indestructible. I can easily take them out." Stiles said while clenching his hands into a fist.

"We have to find them and bring back Isaac" Derek said.

"But we don't know where they took him. How can we look for him if we have no clue where to start?" Lydia said.

"The only place you'll probably find them is in the mountains." a familiar voice said.

Everyone turned around to see Peter standing there behind them.

"Those creatures you are talking about are ancient warriors that were thought to be extinct. They are called Phoenixies (fee-nicks-I) and they are ancient warriors with incredible strength. They were almost like henchmen to the legendary creatures. The Alpha Dragon was one of them. Stiles is the only one with the power to weaken them and stop them. Us however, we don't measure up to their level of stamina. The only way we can defeat them, is if Stiles weakens them first. Or by outnumbering one." Peter told everyone.

"Well I guess it's up to me to bring Isaac back." Stiles said.

"No way." Scott said.

Stiles looked at him in confusion.

"We're going with you. You are not going by yourself. We're coming too. We're a team. We're a pack. If they mess with one of us, they mess with all of us." Scott said firmly.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. It's settled. Let's go bird hunting." Stiles said with a smirk on his face.

to be continued...

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