Chapter 52

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One Call Away - Charlie Puth

The One - Kodaline (literally so perfect for Zuliet that I want to cry)


Trisha and I stare at Zayn in shock and utter disbelief. He's staying here? In Bradford? Because of Caroline? Trisha eyes are filled with happiness and slight worry. She doesn't say anything, she just looks to me.

I slowly shake my head and let out a deep breath. "Why?" I quietly ask, keeping myself from freaking out as much as possible.

Zayn shifts in his stance, crossing his arms and letting out a deep sigh. His toned body seeming to tense as he thinks over what exactly to say.

"I... Melissa is all alone. She doesn't have Caroline or Phillip anymore. Her daughter and husband are gone and she's stuck all alone with Nate. Who God knows is unstable as fuck right now." He claims softly.

I take a moment to consider his words. His mom seeming to let them soak in as well. Taking a deep breath I nod slowly.

"But she has Nate, her son. She doesn't need you here Zayn." I reply in a somewhat questioning manner.

"I feel obligated." He shrugs sheepishly. He glances at his mom and then back to me. "Mom can we just... have some space to talk?" He glances at his mom in an apologetic way.

She takes in a quick breath and widens her eyes in surprise. Not in offense, just as if she had completely forgotten that she was even listening.

"Of course." She nods, walking away and busying herself in the living room with the rest of the family.

I now cross my arms, shifting my shoulders so I can relax my tense back. This conversation has me tense, my body on edge as I wait for him to explain further. 

His warm eyes search my face for a moment. Trying to gage the way I feel about all of this that he is saying. From what he has said so far I am still completely unsure of how this will go on.

"So why do you feel obligated to stay with here for Melissa?" I make my voice as light and careful as I speak.

Talking with Zayn about things like this is always like treading on thin ice. It could go one of two ways and lately I am not fond of it going the other way. I never have been but seeing as the ice is so thin for us, this would not be the best idea.

"She took care of me growing up. She was a big part of who I am today - the good parts of me. I know there aren't many but she helped grow those small good parts of me into something better. She was a second mom to me." He explains.

"I can't just leave her here alone. She has no one. Nate's not sane. He's trying to get with Waliyha for Gods sake. I have to stay for her too. She's a teenager and doesn't understand things, her hormones are all over the place and I just can't leave when things are broken here." He softly speaks.

I feel my heart ache at his words, my eyes burning with tears as I take a deep breath and step towards him. Taking his hand I stare down at his knuckles that have small scars etched into them. Looking up I stare into his concerned eyes that frantically are scanning my face to find what I am thinking.

I offer a small smile that seems to calm his racing thoughts. Though his eyes still search my face for an answer of my response. Reaching my hand out I lightly touch the side of his face and my smile grows.

"The old Zayn would have ran from something like this. Something requiring responsibility, from a situation that needs help... yet here you are running to help." I feel my heart pounding harder at the thought of how much he has changed.

Tonight (Book 2) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now