Kian's POV

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One time. One decision. That's all it took. And honestly, do I regret it? I let him down and I slipped away from him quicker than I really thought I ever could. So yes and no. I don't regret it but I do as well because I left him alone and I left him hanging. And it was all because my stupid decision and his words. I honestly just don't understand how everything went so wrong so quickly. Maybe it was me being an idiot for really trusting him. Maybe it was me who was blinded by all the promises that he broke. Or maybe it was meant to be. I suppose if you're clinically depressed and mentally fucked up, the result is all the same. Maybe it was expected and maybe everyone knew including J.C but personally, I had no idea that it was coming and I had no idea how hard the aftermath really would be. And I suppose in life, you can never know this until it finally slips away and unfortunately that's what it did. And I now know that I can never go back. I am finally gone. 

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