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The next few weeks with Kian pass in a fast blur and before I knew it, Kian was released from hospital. I honestly still hold the moment he was finally given the all clear close because I suppose that moment was the beginning of a journey of something that would change my life and change my perspective and control on my life and derail it.

Basically what happened was it was like any other day. Kian and I had spent time together and the doctor came in and told Kian that he was cleared to go home. What really was special for me was what happened after the doctor closed the door and Kian and I were alone in the room. I remember this moment because after a slow and sweet kiss with Kian, Kian asked me to be his boyfriend and from that moment, we were officially "Jian". I can still hear everything that Kian said to me that day and as I think about it, I can still see his beautiful blue eyes and his beautiful smile that I fell in love with. He said to me:

"J.C. Honestly the last few weeks have been some of the best weeks I have spent with someone in a really long time. To be honest with you, you make me incredibly happy and you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I can conquer anything and you give me the strength to find a purpose to keep conquering the obstacles that stand in my way. I know that I am finally able to be strong and have someone to lean on and that is you and for me, that really means a lot because it means that for the first time, I have someone who I can really trust and I can really rely on. I guess what I am trying to ask is, J.C Caylen, will you please do me the honour of becoming my boyfriend because I honestly really like you and think you're pretty amazing" and at that moment, I kissed Kian with all of my strength and whispered: "Yes" into his ear which made him shiver. It was from this moment that everything began to change and as I watch the fallout from a distance today, I remember that moment as a mistake instead of special moment because honestly nothing could prepare me for what happened next with Kian.

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