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What the hell did I just do? Did I honestly hit him? Did I honestly just do that? Shit. What if I killed him? I really need to get out and check but I can't. I am paralyzed with the feeling of fear and the feeling of the unknown and I know if I get out, I will be liable. I just honestly can't believe I did that. It wasn't that I didn't see him. It wasn't that I didn't try and avoid him. It was more than it felt like he wanted to be hit. Like he wanted to escape from something that he was holding him back. All I can see is the look on his face and the massive smile that he held when I drove into him and I hit him. Like he was telling me that he was finally free and I was granting his freedom in a really strange way. And I know you're thinking that this is a strange take on hitting someone but it honestly felt freedom for him was finally being given to him and he finally could escape. And as I sit and think about this, I think about this boy and who he is as person and what his back story is and what he was running from and why he needed an escape. And I know as I get out of my car that I am about to get that answer and I know that I am not ready for the result of it. But something in me needs to know what his story is and that is what burdens me as I step out of my car.

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