Loving from Afar 2

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Since you all liked the prolouge by the sounds of it... here is the first chapter


I walked down to Hagrid’s with Ron and Harry, Hermione promising she would meet us there. I doubted she was going to show but decided not to say anything to the guys since the three of them were best friends and all liked Hagrid.

At the moment the guys were arguing about Quiditich when I butted in. “When are they having try outs or are they done already,” I asked suddenly.

“No try outs are tomorrow after lunch you play?” Harry asked looking at me with admiration.

“A little I played at my old school,” I shrugged.

“What position?”

“Well I play a little of everything but I always go back to a chaser or the seeker,” I said.

“You might be giving Harry a run for his money,” Ron laughed.

“I doubt it I mean I can play seeker but I only did when our captain was gone. Otherwise I was chaser where I was my best at.”

“Well why don’t you try out for the team then,” Ron asked as we neared Hagrid’s.

“That would be the reason I asked about it,” I laughed causing him to blush scarlet.

“Right,” He mumbled.

“Well Wood’s a great captain and if you’re a great player like I bet you are there shouldn’t be a problem with you making the team.”

“Thanks Harry,” I smiled before turning to see a huge man. “That’s Hagrid right?”

Harry laughed, “Ya that’s Hagrid don’t let his size fool you he has a great heart.”

“Don’t worry I’m not a judging person because I’ve had people judge me for some stupid reason and it hurts.”

“You’re not like most people are you. I mean people think just because Hagrid is half giant he’s this terrible person.”

“Harry if I was like most people I wouldn’t be here. Back home people talk about you and a lot of them say a lot shit about you. When I sat down beside you I realised that there was a reason I didn’t believe those rumors and the reason was because I didn’t know you but I’m glad I do now.”

Harry smiled at me and I smiled back. We walked the rest of the way in silence that wasn’t awkward but comfortable.

“You must be the Tessa I’ve heard so much about,” Hagrid boomed as Harry and I stopped by him and Ron.

“What have you heard,” I asked self consciously hearing the rumors people had spread about me before in my mind.

“That you’re a great student but I’ll be getting your help quite a bit since you’ll be in trouble quite a bit,” He chuckled.

“Oh don’t worry I love pissing my teachers off cause a lot of them are so used to it they just say screw it and give me the same punishment cause nothing got through to me.”

“Ron I think I found a girl just like your brothers.”

“Well you’ll be one of the first to know if she’s with Fred and George,” Ron laughed.

I turned to Ron an idea forming in my head and a smile on my face, “Ron you know how you love me?”

“Umm,” He started while Harry and Hagrid roared with laughter at his expression and me with my puppy dog eyes.


“Okay?” He answered getting more confused.

“Thanks,” I smiled pecking him on the cheek and running towards the school but called over my shoulder, “Bye nice meeting you Hagrid.”

I ran up to dormitories hoping to find where Hermione. I found her on her bed with her back faced towards me. We were the only two in the room and I could swear I heard crying.

I slowly walked over to my trunk and looked for some clothes to wear while asking her quietly, “Hermione are you okay?”

“Why do you care,” She snapped at me.

“Why are you snapping at me I was trying to help you,” I said defensively.

“If you really want to help you’ll leave Ron and Harry alone and especially stay the hell away from me,” Hermione fumed.

“I came to this school wondering how people would treat me and hoping I could get away from bitches but I guess they stay with you, bitch,” I snarled at her grabbing a pair of jeans and a random shirt and stormed off into the bathroom.


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