Loving From Afar 26

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“Are you ready for tonight,” I asked plopping down on the couch beside Draco who seemed to be reading.

“What’s tonight,” He asked not lifting his eyes up from his book.

“The dance,” I glared at him, “Don’t tell me you forgot all about it.”

“I didn’t forget it… it may have just slipped my mind though.”

“Come on Draco,” I whined.

He looked up at me as his eyes twinkled like when he lies, “I’m kidding T, and I would never be able to forget that, my parents would kill me!”

“I sure hope not,” I grumbled.

“Don’t worry, now you have yet to tell me what color your dress is so I can match you.”

I stared down at my fidgeting hands, “I kind of don’t have it picked out yet…”

“Let’s go,” He sighed pulling me up and leading me towards my room. “I’ll help you pick out a dress.”

I quickly went straight to my closet and pulled out ever dress I owned, soon my bed was piled high when I had all but 3 dresses in the pile.

“What about the 3 left in the closet,” Draco asked as I started to sort.

“They’re just really special,” I said trying to keep in my tears.

“Try this one on,” He said after a long pause. I looked up to see him holding a dark purple floor length dress that had an open back and a somewhat low front.

I grabbed the dress and slipped it on behind the bathroom door, it wasn’t that I didn’t want Draco to see me in my bra but that it would probably a lot more awkward now than when we were younger.

“Are you done,” He called through the door.

“Yeah,” I replied opening the door to show him how I looked. “Do you like it?”

“You are not allowed to wear that,” Draco said firmly picking out another dress for me to try on.

“Why not,” I demanded, “I look fine in it!”

“I don’t want you to get raped,” He yelled back. “Try this one on,” He said more calmly handing me a light brownish colored dress. I quickly changed dresses already deciding I wasn’t going to wear this dress. “You look beautiful,” He said with a playful smile on his face as I stepped out of the bathroom.

“I look like an old person,” I muttered.

“Fine, try this one.” This one happened to be another floor length one only it was red and off on shoulder.

“No.” It went on like this for a while longer before I picked up a short strapless embellished dress. “I forgot about this dress,” I breathed.

“Try it on then,” Draco offered.

Quickly I tried it on, “It doesn’t fit anymore.”

“What about this one,” He asked pulling the blue ball gown out of my closet.

“It was my mothers,” I said slowly.


“I may as well try it on,” I shrugged simply changing in front of Draco. “How do I look,” I asked as he slowly opened his eyes again.

“You look,” He started slowly choosing his words carefully.

“I look…?”

“Like a girl!”

“Really,” I asked walking over to my floor length mirror. “Oh my God,” I breathed as I saw how the dress fit exactly to me and made me looked like my mother no matter how much I hated her.

“Draco, Tessa-” Narcissa started as she entered the room but abruptly stopped in her tracks when she saw me. “Sarah is that you?”

I spun around to face the two, “Narcissa, it’s me Tessa.”

“I’m sorry honey,” She stumbled as she recovered herself. “You just looked so much like your mother when we were your age.”

“Thanks,” I muttered quietly blushing faintly.

“You best find a matching tie now,” Narcissa turned to her son. “And it better be soon, supper is in an hour.”

“What time is it,” I asked suddenly.

“6:00,” Draco answered.

“There is no way in hell I can get ready in time,” I started to freak.

“Don’t worry honey, go shower and I’ll help you get ready,” Narcissa smiled.

“Thanks,” I smiled back gratefully before switching out of my dress and setting it on the bed as Draco was ushered out of the room.

I quickly ran through my shower and raced in to a baggy pair of sweats and a tank top. Once I opened the bathroom door Narcissa was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

“Let’s get going,” She said quickly ushering me to my vanity.

“Do you have a preferred hairstyle for tonight?”

“Anything I can pull off with the dress,” I simply replied.

Soon my hair was being styled by magic as my makeup was done; it seemed to take all of 10 minutes which I wouldn’t be surprised if that was all it had taken.

“You’re beautiful,” she sighed stepping back so I could stand up. “Are you ready for your dress?”

“I am,” I smiled, “And thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome honey.”

I quickly slipped into my dress as Draco knocked on the door before simply opening in it before either of us had replied.

“What if I had been naked,” I joked swirling around to show off my dress.

He shrugged, “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Draco,” Narcissa scolded.

“It’s the truth.”

“Like the truth is that your tie is the wrong color,” I pointed out. Narcissa quickly pulled out her wand and fixed it. “Not anymore, I suppose.”

“I expect you two downstairs in ten minutes,” Narcissa said firmly disappearing out of the room.

“She cares too much about this,” Draco sighed sitting down on my bed.

“Oh let her have some fun,” I said sitting down beside him.

“If it gives you an excuse to look more beautiful than usual then I suppose,” He teased but suddenly turned serious. “Tessa, I have to tell you something.”

I quickly sat up straighter, “What’s wrong?”

“I think I-” He started as the door opened.


Hey guys! So I’m sorry this is short but I needed to get that part done and then end the chapter! I’m working on the next one and I have some news.

I know I told you Loving From Afar is coming to an end soon but it may take longer to wrap it up then I thought it would.

<3 Erin

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