Loving From Afar 3

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Twice in one day? I'm doing good!! Hope you like it


I had grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a white jeweled tank top. I slipped them on then went to put on a pair of black knee high boots. After searching around I found a ring that said ‘No one can hurt me without my permission’, along with a bunch of gold bangles I searched a little more and found a pair of purple, pink and blue dangling earrings.

I slipped it all on pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and headed down to the common room. Once I came into view I was suddenly picked up. I screamed and freaked out not knowing who the hell was caring me or where we were going.

“Tessa calm down,” Harry laughed from the couch. “You’re not going to get hurt I promise.”

“But I might get raped,” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“What is going on,” A girl that looked like Ron asked Harry while the girl with her stared at me with an expression that consisted of confusion and amusement on her face.

“Fred and George picked Tessa up and now she’s afraid she’s gonna get raped. Guys come on put her down she’s going to have a heart attack,” Harry said the last part in my direction.

I was slowly put down on the couch beside Harry by two guys who were definitely twins defiantly related to Ron.

“Tessa this is Fred and George Ron’s older twin brothers,” Harry explained.

“Hello Beautiful,” Said the first, “I’m George.”

“And I’m Fred,” The other one said.

I smiled knowing they were trying to confuse me. “So you’re Fred,” I pointed at the first one, “And you’re George,” I pointed at the second one. “Sorry guys but you can’t fool me my sister and I always fooled our parents even though there is a year and a half age difference.”

“Our own mom can’t even tell them apart,” The red haired girl laughed. “I’m Ginny; this is my friend Amy Georgia Wilson.”

“You can just call me Amy for some reason Ginny always calls me by my full name,” She laughed. Amy had dark medium wavy hair that fell past her shoulders; her eyes were a beautiful hazel. She wasn’t very tall the most she could have been was five foot three but yet she looked like a girl you didn’t mess with.

“Will do Amy I’m Tessa,” I smiled at her.

“Was that you screaming rape?” Amy asked suddenly then realising what she had said blushed deep red.

I laughed, “Ya I didn’t know what was going on and of course the first thought that came to my head was ‘am I going to get raped?’

“Well knowing these two baboons,” Amy laughed nodding at the Twins her were talking to Harry, Ron and Ginny. “Anything could happen but I really doubt they would ever rape someone.”

“I hope so cause according to Hagrid I’ll be getting in trouble with them a lot,” I laughed wondering what they did.

“Same here I’ve helped them with a few of the minor pranks but only have I gotten in trouble twice. My parents would freak if they heard I got in trouble even once.”

“My Grandma would scold me but after she would leave my Grandpa would say good job.” I thought back to the last time I got in trouble.

“What were you thinking Tessa,” My Grandma asked sternly staring at me with anger in her eyes and voice.

“Grams I know I screwed but I was just having fun. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or even get in trouble!”

“Just be glad you only frightened the poor boy,” She said before leaving.

I turned to my Grandpa to try and explain to him, “There’s no need to explain kiddo,” He looked around me to make sure Grams couldn’t hear before turning around, “Now I’m going to hammer on your like your Grandma did but make sure to be careful next time.”

“What are you talking about next time there’s no way I can risk being caught again you heard Grams!”

“I’ll deal with your Grandma,” He stood and looked at me proudness in his eyes. “You’re just like me kiddo good job.”

“Thanks Papa I love you.”

“Love you to kiddo.”

I was brought back into the present by a bunch of people talking and someone waving their hand in my face.

“Why are you guys waving your hand in my face,” I asked completely confused.

“Because you were zoned out duh,” Ginny laughed.

“Well at least I got corn in my cereal bowl,” I shouted randomly. Everyone stared at me like I was crazy before bursting out laughing. “Don’t laugh at me,” I whined causing everyone to laugh even more.

“Don’t worry Tessa were not laughing in a mean way at least not on purpose,” George explained.

“Ya you just do really funny things,” Fred finished for his twin.

“Why thank you now Amy I am stealing you cause I need to talk to you,” I ordered dragging me away from everyone through the portrait hole into the corridors where we walked in silence for a few minutes.

“Why did you pull me away from everyone,” She asked since I hadn’t explained myself yet.

“Do you by chance like a certain red haired boy?” I asked innocently.

She blushed deep scarlet, “No why would you think that?”

“Because I saw the way you stared at him when you walked over with Ginny.”

“Please don’t tell anyone especially not Ginny or Hermione. I mean their my two best friends but I don’t know how they would react to it,” She begged me.

“Don’t worry I won’t tell Ginny and no offence but Hermione is a big bitch with a capital B,” I promised as we continued to walk.

“Ya she doesn’t adjust well to new people especially girls the guys like. She thinks they’ll ditch her for whatever girl they like no matter who it is.”

“Would you mad if I bitched her out if she ever is a bitch to me again?” I asked knowing it would probably happen.”

“Don’t tell her I said this but she’s had it coming for a while.”


So what did you people think of it?

The amazing character Amy was created by the one the only Amy3999 so all of you people who haven’t heard of her are crazy and go check her out!!

I will soon be adding another new character who I hope you will like.

Tell me what you think.  Vote, comment, fan, add to your library the whole shebang!!


Tessa’s outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/lazy_outfit/set?id=35787033

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