Loving From Afar 25

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“Stay the hell away from my cousin and from me.”

I fell to the floor and just let the tears fall not caring if the train blew up or I was never allowed back at Hogwarts again. All I cared about at the moment was how I had messed up my relationship and a friendship. I wouldn’t be surprised if Draco randomly started to hate me, I deserved all of it.

Sometimes your friends can hurt you worse than any of your enemies could.

I stayed on the floor the rest of the ride; I must have fallen asleep as well because I was suddenly being carried out the door.

I didn’t bother to open my eyes to find out who was caring me because a small part of me hoped it was somebody who was going to take me far away.

“Tess wake up,” Draco whispered in my ear, “We’re here.”

“Can I just stay on the train forever,” I asked looking up the lane.

“Nope,” he answered popping the p. “I need my best friend.”

“Well I need people to stop hating me.”

“Nobody hates you,” He tried to convince me.

“Levi and Olivia both do,” I argued.

“Olivia just has a short temper while Levi is hurt, he’ll get over it soon.”

I simply said, “I don’t believe you one bit.”

“You’re just stubborn,” Draco smiled as we neared the manor.

“You can let me down now,” I laughed.

“I don’t know, you’re kind of light.”

I simply smiled and pretended it was just because I kept in shape. I didn’t want Draco to worry about me and think that just because I broke up with my boyfriend I was going to fall back into my eating disorder.

A few years back I got used to being called fat even though I probably weighed less than what was healthy, everybody called me fat though and soon I came to believe them.

Soon I wasn’t eating or if I did I was in the bathroom right away throwing up. I struggled with it for a few years before Draco noticed what was wrong when I visited once and forced me to stop.

By then I was under 100 pounds and losing more every day.

I could tell people wondered about me but I simply shrug it off going through the day just like the one before it.

“Hey T, are you okay?”

I snapped back to reality to see we had arrived back at my old room where I stayed every time I would visit. “It’s still the same,” I smiled looking at the wall that I had covered in pictures. I quickly found my favorite one of Draco and I from a few years ago at the train station when I last came to visit.

The second we saw each other everything stopped as I jumped in to his arms.

Our parents joked about how we seemed like lovers who hadn’t seen each other for the longest time,  at times it felt like that.

“You’re zoning out on me again,” Draco laughed coming up behind me.

“Old memories seem to do that to me,” I said quietly not quite smiling.

“What types of memories may these be?”

“My favorite ones,” I turned around and looked up at Draco. “I miss the memories we have.”

“I know you do; I think about them every day and wonder how life got to this from what it used to be.”

“What happened to the little kids we used to be?”

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