Loving From Afar 15

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 “Tessa,” Levi whispered leaning into me as I leaned into him. As our lips slowly touched we continued to lean towards each other and it came faster and more urgent.

I suddenly broke away from Levi and stared into his beautiful shining eyes, breathing heavily. “Levi I can’t do this.”

I quickly got up and ran back to Hogwarts up to the common room where Levi couldn’t touch me or try and convince what we just did wasn’t extremely wrong. I ran past everyone then soon realised that I wouldn’t find what I wanted going to the common room but to be in the arms of the man who I trusted with my life even if he had a furry little problem.

Remus knew how I was feeling and who I was but still not once did he judge me because knew how much it all hurt me.

“Remus-” I said running into his office only to be stopped cold to see Harry turn to look at me. “Um I should go,” I mumbled awkwardly pointing to the door.

“Tessa,” Harry called after me. I could hear him running after me but I didn’t slow down till I was far from the school. “Tessa!”

I screeched to a sudden halt, “What do you want Harry?”

“I just want to talk to you,” Harry sounded dejected and when I turned around I saw a Harry I had never known before.

“Look I really am sorry Harry it’s just that I’ve made some mistakes and I wish I could go back and fix them.”

“Like going on a date and then kissing me,” Harry mumbled sitting on the edge of the cliff.

“No it was what I did after that, I went to sleep and woke up from a terrible dream so I decided to shower and like always I randomly started singing. Anyways when I finished singing one of the verses Hermione was outside of the shower waiting and told me I had a good voice. I told her it didn’t matter what she said because when I came here right away she judged me just like I was judged back at my old school.

“She tried to tell me something but I didn’t listen,” I whispered tears silently rolling down my cheeks. “After that I ran down the staircase and ran into Levi who I told that I needed to hang out with someone who knew about my past and still accepts me like Remus does.”

“That’s why you were at his office this morning,” Harry said not as a question but as a statement.

“That and because of my dream,” I stared out at the horizon as it slowly became smaller. “If I told you past would you judge me?”

“Not at all,” Harry promised grabbing a hold of my hand.

I took a deep breath and told him everything from being beaten and raped to the fact that I went to a muggle school and was tutored by Remus and sometimes Dumbledore. I told him about how I was treated at school and that my grandparents took me away when they found out about what was happening.

“So that’s why you hate Hermione so much,” Harry asked after being quite through my entire story.

“I probably wouldn’t have liked her to much even if I didn’t go to a muggle high school. I mean she is extremely annoying and just not the kind of person I like anyways.”

“You seem so full of life though even after what your mother let your father do to you,” He said suddenly staring at me with admiration.

“Coming here I knew that it wasn’t going to be this great thing but now I don’t know. I let what my parents did to me rule who I was and now I’m free of them but yet I still feel like my father is watching me.”

“Is that what your dreams about then,” Harry asked quietly putting his arm around me in a comforting way.

“It’s not so much dreams as flashbacks but yes that’s what it’s all about.”

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