Loving From Afar 8

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I couldn’t stand to be her anymore so I grabbed Ron and walked over to the twins. I stood by them for a few minutes before walking out the door with the idea of heading back to the common room to sleep but I soon realised I was going the wrong way but instead was heading to the DADA room.

I walked up to Lupin’s office to see him bent over a piece of parchment. I couldn’t see what he was writing but decided to wait till he was done to talk.

“Hello Tessa what brings you here,” He asked setting his paper aside. I walked over and sat on the couch in the corner of his room as he sat on the corner of his desk facing me. “Spill before you start freaking out.”

“Promise not to get mad but we threw a party in the room of requirement,” I started but quickly stopped as Remus threw his head back and laughed.

“I’m not surprised we used that room many times when I was in school,” He smiled and motioned for to go on.

“Well I gave Hermione a makeover because Ron and Hermione like each other but I didn’t tell you that but anyways they started arguing because Ron said she looked different and she thought it was an insult when it was really a compliment. She started calling him a git and other names but when I finally yelled she was going to send a curse at him, I told her to stop or else I would curse her. Harry disarmed her, told her he didn’t know her anymore and walked away.” I said in a rush knowing that Remus would have something wisdomy to say.

He sat there looking at me for a few minutes before I asked, “What wisdomy thing are you going to say?”

“Wisdomy thing,” He smiled.

“Ya you know how you always gave me advice and if you didn’t Sirius would for me even if it was a joke.”

I saw Remus flinch at the mention of his old friend Sirius who had been sent to Azkaban for some stupid reason that no one would tell me. I only knew him for a few years before he was taken away but now he had broken out.

“Spit it out before you start freaking out,” I said knowing it was the words he had told me earlier.

“I- I’ve been talking to Sirius and well let’s just say- just don’t tell anyone else,” Remus blurted before leaving the room.

I walked back to the Gryffindor tower in a daze before snapping out it and running up to my bed. I grabbed a piece of paper and a purple pen before heading down to the common room to start writing.

Dear Padfoot

Why the hell didn’t you send me a letter already since I just found out you were talking with Remus?? Anyways I just thought I should let you know I still hate school but Hogwarts is better than my last school.

Just kidding that’s not it… Grams and Gramps took me away from my “parents” and I’m living with them now. I doubt you remember this but I used to tell you how I hated all the girls in my school even though I was a little kid? Well I thought coming here would be better but not by much.

I’m friends with Harry though and he’s a great guy though I can tell he misses his parents a lot. If you ever get the chance please tell him you’re his godfather, you’re the only family he has left.



I folded up the letter then headed up to the Owlery to send off my snow white with red markings around his eyes off.

“Serge,” I called out. My owl was suddenly in front of me. I smiled tying my letter to his leg, “Take this to Sirius.”

I slowly walked back to the common room hoping not to get caught out of bed at these hours. I sat down on a couch by the far.

“Late night,” Harry said but when I looked around I couldn’t see him until suddenly his body came into view as he took off a cloak. I knew it was James invisibility cloak but I didn’t say anything not wanting to tell him anything that could upset him.

“Look who’s talking,” I laughed.

“Us,” Harry asked unsure but a smile forming on his face.

“You’re learning well Harry but now for the questions… Why were you out so late?”

“I was visiting Hagrid; Buckbeack is going to get killed he thinks so he’s been really upset by it all. But why are you up this late?”

“I left the party after the fight then when to go talk to Remus hoping it would cheer me up a little or even get my mind off things,” I shrugged staring into the fire.

“Did it help,” Harry asked sitting down beside me.

“Not as much as I hoped it would but ya I guess it did especially since I hadn’t talked to him for a while except for the odd letter before I came to Hogwarts. My Grandfather used to teach here when your father and his friends went to school; he always said how your father was one of his favourite students even when he goofed off.”

“Your grandfather taught my dad,” Harry asked shock written all over his face.

“One of his favourite students ever, I’ll have to introduce you two sometime in the future-,” I was about to say something more when I heard girls laugh from behind us.

Harry and I turned around to see a couple of girls laughing on the stairs staring at Harry admiration written all over their faces.

“Hi Grace, Mari,” Harry nodded before looking back at me. “I’m going to head up to bed see you later,” And with that Harry up to his dorm.

I didn’t know what to do when the giggling girls walked over to sit on either side of me. “Do you like Harry,” A girl who looked to be her 2nd year asked her round gray eyes that looked like she was about to burst into tears stared at me.

I looked over to see the other girl looking up the stairs that would lead to the boy dormitories. She had fiery red hair that reminded me of Hermione’s when she turned to look at me I saw she had piercing blue eyes that gave me the creeps.

“Ummm I have to go,” I mumbled darting up the stairs to the safety of my bed. I would have to ask Harry in the morning who those girls were but for now I was falling into a nightmare filled sleep.


So what did you think of that? If you have any ideas for the story pm me them!

5 votes and 3 comments till the next installment.

Loving From Afarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें