Loving From Afar 16

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It had been two weeks since I stood up to Hermione and even though I refused to talk to her unless in class only when needed but yet for some reason she tried to act nicer to me. I didn’t know what she wanted but I still didn’t trust her with anything.

“You know I think I liked it better when Hermione and I were fighting,” I sighed laying my head on Levi’s chest as I reached our spot.

“You still haven’t spoken to her,” Levi asked.

“Well I said ‘can you pass the beetroot?’ and that was all. It’s weird since she’s trying to be nicer but yet it’s like she doesn’t know how to.”

“You know before you came and started telling me all this stuff about her I didn’t really notice her only as the ultra smart Gryffindor. But now I see her as much more,” Levi said slowly choosing his words.

“If you start falling for her I will not start being nicer to her,” I warned.

“I would never tell you to do something like that,” Levi said seriously looking down at me with his never ending green eyes.

“Your eyes are like never ending,” I laughed.

“Is that why you like me so much,” Levi asked looking hurt.

“You only wish,” I teased. “Besides I don’t like you.”

“Oh right sorry you love me,” Levi laughed.

“I do not,” I snapped getting up but yet I could feel my face getting warmer.

“Then why are you blushing,” He asked sitting up.

“Whatever,” I muttered stomping away.

“Tess wait,” He called from behind me.

“Get the hell away from me,” I called still staring straight forward.

“Please just listen to me,” Levi begged getting closer to me.

Sighing I started jogging then turned it to a full out run. I didn’t know why I reacted the way I did since never once felt anything other than friendship towards Levi. I had seen him naked before even if it was an accident, he knew everything about me and always met my boyfriends before my parents did well grandparents.

I was abruptly snapped out of my thoughts when someone grabbed the top of my arm and forcibly spun towards them. I came face to face with Levi.

“Please tell me what the hell I did wrong,” Levi begged looking at with a concerned and hurt expression on his face.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I said quietly.

“Then why did you suddenly run away from me?” I looked anywhere but Levi but when he realised what I was doing gently he took my chin in his hands and forced me to look at him. “Please,” He whispered softly.

“I didn’t think when we kissed it would have created something awkward like this but it has and now we can’t take it back,” I said in a rush.

“You think that because we kissed things are now awkward,” He asked.

“You tell me,” I cried.

“You know why I said what I did about Granger? To see if you would get jealous!” Levi yelled. “Whatever we’re done here,” He sighed walking away from me.

“Wait you wanted to make me jealous,” I asked slowly but loud enough for him to hear.

“Why else would I talk about her the way I did?” Levi asked turning to look at me. I could see from where I was standing he was trying hard not to cry but he was fighting a losing battle.

“I don’t know maybe because you actually like her,” I shot at him.

“I could never like her, not when I know you but why bother wasting my time on someone who doesn’t even like me.”

“Wait Levi,” I called running to stop just in front of him.

“What do you want,” He snapped and I knew he was hurting.

“I’m sorry k? It’s just I’m still getting used to Hogwarts and everyone here, even you and Draco even though we’ve been friends forever. I do like you I’m just scared and you can’t blame me.”

“I never said I blamed you for not liking me the way I like you.”

“I do like you a lot just please let me figure out in what way,” I pleaded folding his hands in my own.

“I can’t wait forever nor will I.”

“I’m not asking you to wait forever, but I promise when I figure out what I want you’ll be the second to know.”

“Who’ll be the first,” Levi demanded tensing up.

“Me of course,” I smiled. I slowly lifted my eyes to see Levi wearing the smallest smile on his face. “Please?”

“Only because you are you,” He laughed pulling me into a strong but comforting hug.

** ** **

I’m sorry it’s short but I just couldn’t make it any longer. 2 comments till the next chapter so if you want it to be soon….comment!! Haha hope you enjoyed it and remember please tell me your fav part of this chapter.


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