Loving From Afar 29

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“I don’t know if I can let him go,” I sighed pacing back and forth in my room. “I love him.”

“He also hurt you did he not,” Tamara pointed out. “If he loved you like you love him then he wouldn’t have done that to him.”

“I need to play Angry Birds,” I muttered grabbing out my I-phone from my backpack at the foot of my bed.

“Really? The answer to your failure of a love life is playing a game with birds and pigs?” She laughed starting to look through my drawers. “Do you mind if I paint my nails?”

“Go ahead,” I shrugged not looking up from my game. “Just be careful not to get it on any of the other beds, they would all flip shit, especially Hermione for some reason.”

“Do I get to meet any of your roommates?”

“If you want,” I shrugged. “They aren’t the most normal people but I’ve started to notice that about people from here.”

“It’s defiantly different from Canada that’s for sure, I like it though.”

“You also haven’t been here that long,” I pointed out. “I’ve been here for half a school year, and all I want is to go back home where nobody knew who I was.”

Tamara stopped painting her nails and looked up at me, “I know we didn’t really pay much attention to you, and when we did it was never nice but, everyone knew who you were.”

“By the class freak,” I said sarcastically.

“Try as the strong independent girl who had enough courage in her to stand up to Ashley. Not many people would want to be in your shoes, I highly doubt they would be able to handle it either.”“Thanks,” I smiled.

Ashley simply smiled back at me.


“Tessa get up,” Someone sang into my ear.

“Go away,” I slurred pulling the blankets back up over my head. “It’s too early.”

“You’ll be fine,” They laughed.

I quietly cursed kicking my blankets away from me to see the Twins standing at the foot of my bed. “Morning Tessa.”

“I hate you two,” I swore heading straight to the bathroom. “And how the hell did you get up here? I thought whenever guys tried to get up the stairs to the girls rooms it turned into a slide.”

“We used brooms,” Fred shrugged dropping onto my bed.

“Get off my bed,” I ordered closing the door behind me. “If I’m not allowed to sleep neither are you!”

“You’re no fun,” He whined.

“I don’t care,” I smirked as I stepped into a warm shower. When I stepped out of the steamy bathroom I found that the Twins were gone but I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

I rapidly slipped into a zebra tank top, dark skinny jeans, and a pair of zebra printed high tops. As I jogged down the stairs I magically curled my hair and put on light makeup that I was too lazy to put on up in the dorm.

“She’s here,” Harry applauded as he jumped off the last stair leading up to the boy’s dorms. “We were beginning to wonder what happened to you.”

“You all suck,” I said plopping down beside Ron. “On to more important matters though; how’s Ron these days?”

“Good,” He answered uncertainly.

“Why are you acting so strange,” I asked.

“You’re up to something and I’m scared to know what it is exactly.”

I pouted, “Well I can see who doesn’t feel like having a good time today.”

“I’m sorry,” He replied completely confused.

“Nope don’t talk to me,” I looked away. “Don’t even talk to my hand! You don’t deserve to.” Every stared at me like I was crazy except for Levi who simply smiled slowly. “So why exactly am I awake this early…?”

“I have a surprise planned for everyone,” Draco replied walking through the portrait hole.

“Everyone,” I repeated in surprise.

“Yeah,” He said dryly.

“This is going to be good,” Ron muttered looking down at the floor.

“What’s Weasel Face,” Draco snapped.

“Guys quit it already,” Olivia ordered appearing out of nowhere. “Besides, the plan is already to go.”

”Good,” He smiled spinning on his heel and walked out the door. “Are you coming,” He called over his shoulder.

“We may as well go,” I shrugged skipping out the door. I could hear everyone shuffle out behind me just as curious as I was to see what Draco has planned.

We followed him out to the Black Lake where there was a picnic set up. “Oh wow,” Tamara breathed out.

“What’s going on here,” I asked Draco as everyone sat down.

“I decided that as long as we all have to associate with one another, we may as well get along. So this is my peace offering.”

“A Slytherin giving a peace offering to Gryffindor’s, I’m shocked,” I teased.

“Same here,” Draco muttered pulling me down with him, “But why not try and make the best of the year?”

“It is our last,” Fred said to George who nodded in agreement with his twin.

“Are we all game,” Levi asked picking up a tart. Everyone nodded in agreement digging in.

The next two hours were spent laughing and telling stories to embarrass others.

“Thank you,” I whispered to Draco as we started walking back to the school.

“For what,” He asked.

“You made tonight, a night that I could never forget.”

“I decided since we have to put up with each other for the next 3 years we may as well try and be civil,” He laughed dryly. “Who knew I would laugh with Potter?”

“Well I was the reason why,” I posed dramatically.

Draco threw his head back laughing, “You need to learn how to pose properly there hun.”

“But I don’t want to,” I whined.

“Whatever,” He shook his head as he resumed walking back to the castle.

I skipped on after him enjoying how I had managed to have a good time the past couple days even when it felt like my world would soon be falling apart again.

Once we stepped into the castle we went our separate ways, Draco headed to the Slytherin common rooms and I headed out to the Quidditich field. I had always felt safe here, like I belonged somewhere in this big wide world that never seemed to make sense.

I didn’t have to try and pretend to be someone I wasn’t because the person I was out here was exactly the person I wanted to be and I didn’t bother trying to impress other people.

As I neared the middle of the field I laid down and looked up at the clouds, I wasn’t a huge fan of cloud watching but it had always helped calm me down even when I didn’t know I needed to calm down.

“Beautiful,” Someone commented as a shadow fell over me.

“They are aren’t they,” I murmured looking up to see Lane looking down at me.

“I didn’t mean the clouds, I meant you.”

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