Loving From Afar 5

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I was heading back to the common room half asleep when I bumped into someone.

“Watch where you’re going,” I yelled not caring who it was. I cast a spell to pick up my stuff and started walking.

“And if I say I was,” A guy called after me. He had a smirk on his face that told me he was conceited and thought he ruled everyone.

I glared at him, “You’re a jerk! Who do you think you are?”

“The one who’s looking at you,” He replied like it wasn’t a big deal.

I finally realised who he was… my childhood best friend, the one who I told everything to Draco Malfoy. “Draco? I haven’t seen you forever!” I laughed running to give him a hug.

“Tessa is it really you,” Draco asked a look of shock on his face. “You look so girly!”

“Okay shut up mister last time we saw each other you were still a dweeb,” I laughed when I noticed a dark haired guy with startling blue eyes staring at me. “Hi I’m Tessa,” I said politely.

“Hello I’m Levi Edmond,” He said in deep sexy voice. He was the only other one with Draco besides a girl who I recognized as Olivia right away. “You seem to have met my cousin Olivia.”

“You two are cousins,” I asked looking back and forth between the two. Looking at them I wouldn’t even believe they talked to each other.

“Ya hard to tell right,” Olivia laughed. “It doesn’t really matter to the two of us that we’re in different houses we are still extremely close. So how do you two know each other?”

“Our parents were great friends when we were younger so we ended up spending a lot of time together. Though when my parents moved we lost touch,” I replied shrugging my shoulders.

“What house are you in,” Draco asked turning to look at me.

“Does it really make a difference to what house I’m in?”

“Tessa please don’t tell me you’re in-”

“Gryffindor, fine then I won’t tell you. Why does it really matter what house I’m in the sorting hat said I could’ve been in any house but I was best in Gryffindor. I thought you wouldn’t judge me,” I said hurt in my voice before turning to walk away.

Draco tried to call after me but I ignored him I was to hurt by how he had reacted to my being in Gryffindor. We were the best of friends when we were younger but I guess when we didn’t see each other for a long time after that we changed especially Draco.

I walked through the portrait hole to see the common room deserted except for Hermione. I walked over to the couch to sit beside her and stared at the fire. She didn’t look up from her book but I was pretty sure she knew I was there.

“Why do you hate me so much,” I asked quietly still not looking at her.

“I don’t hate you,” She replied closing her book with a sigh.

“Then why the hell did you tell me to stay away from you and the guys?” I demanded deciding I wouldn’t let her leave with giving me an answer.

“You are like every other girl that the guys see and think they care for. Beautiful and you know it so don’t tell me you don’t,” She spat as I opened my mouth to argue. “You’re just going to play with them and then break their hearts. It would be better if you would just leave us alone so they don’t get hurt.”

I stood in rage, “I am not a slut and how dare you even think I am? I came here hoping for a fresh start that was true but yet again you won’t let me! When I met you I thought we could get along but now I don’t want to speak to you let alone look at you.” I gave her one final glare before heading up to bed.

Loving From AfarWhere stories live. Discover now