Loving From Afar 6

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I didn’t want to go back to the common room since I guessed people would be there and there were quite a few people who saw our incident to know who it was. I would be lucky if it was forgotten by Christmas.

I decided to explore the school for as long as I could before I had to face people again. I didn’t know where I was except that I could see a Gargoyle up ahead. I was just about passed it when it moved aside to show a staircase.

Nervously I headed up the staircase to a door. I knocked on it wondering what lay behind it, I faintly heard someone say come in so I walked in to see Dumbledore behind a giant desk.

There was a small girl who was just below five feet by the looks of it with blonde hair that fell midway down her back, she had startling green eyes and an hourglass figure.

Once I came in she looked at Dumbledore, “Well thanks for listening but I’ll go talk to someone else you seem to have your hands full.”

She walked passed me staring me up and down before disappearing through the door, “Sorry for barging in I just saw the Gargoyle move and then came up the staircase.”

“Tessa you know very well I don’t mind you coming to visit me I told you that when I gave you your Hogwarts letter,” Dumbledore smiled.

“I know it’s just I came here hoping for a fresh start and so did Grams but now I think it followed me and got even worse. Hermione hates me and I made Harry turn against her what am I supposed to do?” I babbled not able to stop myself from spilling the truth.

“It seems like Harry is a loyal friend to and is displeased by the Miss Granger treated you since you have arrived. I am sure she will come around and remember keep your head held high,” Dumbledore said.

“Thanks sir I gotta go,” I smiled gratefully and stood up to leave. I silently headed back to the common room hoping that no one was there.

Once I got there I saw the girl from Dumbledore’s office along with another girl who wasn’t much shorter than I was. She had dark choc brown straight hair with bangs that stopped just above her ocean blue eyes that had flecks of dark green in them. She had an hourglass figure than could put quite a few girls to shame.

I smiled at them and sat in an armchair by the fire that was 10 feet away from them. I was hoping they wouldn’t notice me or at least leave me alone since I would probably end up snapping at them because I was so pissed.

“Hi I’m Violet,” the girl who I had seen in Dumbledore’s office said as she and her friend sat beside me. “This is Raina but she prefers to be called Silver.”

“I could’ve introduced myself,” Silver sighed. “So your new here aren’t you? I mean you’re defiantly not a first year because no way could a first year piss off goody two shoes Granger enough for her to try and send a spell at them.”

“Hey Hermione is my friend and she’s not all that bad,” Violet said defensively.

“Friend or no friend she was a complete bitch to me from day one just because I sat beside Harry and started talking to him and Ron.”

“Can’t you tell she’s in love with Ron,” Silver laughed. “Has been since day one I bet.”

“Silver,” Violet jumped up.

“Wait Hermione loves Ron?” I asked as everything fell into place. I talked to Ron the most that night and every time I talked to them after that I would talk to Ron quite a bit which ended up in Hermione always leaving. “Sorry I gotta go but maybe we can hang out sometime,” I said running up the stairs to my dorm.

I burst into to see Hermione reading a book on her bed and a couple other girls whose names I didn’t bother to learn, “Hermione I need to talk to you privately.”

The other girls glared at me but left the room all the same gossiping the entire way.

“What do you want,” She said coldly looking anywhere but at me.

“I know why you’re a bitch to me. Why didn’t you just tell me you have feelings for Ron?”

“How do you know,” Hermione asked glaring at me.

“I met these two girls Silver and Violet. They let slip you like him but truthfully I was already thinking you had at least a little crush on either Ron or Harry,” I shrugged sitting down beside her.

“It’s not like he likes me he’s too caught up you,” Hermione said quietly as the tears she tried to hide escaped.

“We can change that,” I smile evilly. “If Ron won’t come to you I’m making you go to Ron whether you like it or not.”

“What are you talking about,” Hermione asked wiping away her tears and looking up at me.

“Honey I am someone guys against my will sometimes can’t ignore. I can make you so irresistible that Ron will only have eyes for you Hermione Granger,” I said starting to look through her clothes. “Oh my god your clothes are terrible to get Ron for yourself.”

“Thanks,” Hermione laughed.

“You’re welcome but don’t worry because that is exactly why you have me here.”

“There is no way Ron is going to even think about me when he could think about you or any other girl,” Hermione sighed falling back on her bed.

“Yes there is you just need to trust me and stop being a pouty pout!” I demanded hands on my hips and everything.

Hermione stared at me like I was crazy for a few seconds before bursting out laughing causing me to laugh.

“Okay what do I have to do,” She asked.

“Sit back and relax so I can do the master work and make you a work of art.”

“I can sit back fine but I don’t think I can relax with you making me look different,” Hermione joked.


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So what did all of you think of that? Next chappie will be up after 4 comments and 2 votes! So vote/comment/fan the whole works!


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