Chapter 6, Simon/Newt (WICKED):

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Simon sat on a bench in the berg, his tears had stopped. He couldn't help but feel that Rosie's death was his fault. It was all his fault! If he had insisted that she stay in the storage room while he went to get the food she would have been safe. He knew that if Rosie had stayed behind, him and the man from WICKED could have returned to the house to get her. It was all his fault, he had killed Rosie. Simon thought to himself. Simon's thoughts then flickered to his mother, he had killed her too. He had shot her. Simon curled up on the bench thinking he wouldn't be able to sleep. He drifted into sleep almost immediately, into a land of nightmares. In his dreams, there was Rosie and his mother, he held a gun. He slowly squeezed the trigger. Instead of shooting his mother, he shot Rosie. He shot her in the head, she crumpled to the ground, blood pooling around her body.

The sound of the berg landing woke Simon from his sleep. The berg landed and the ramp descended. The man from WICKED was still wearing the green protective suit, Simon wasn't sure why, since they were safe. The man stood from his seat and walked out of the berg. Simon stood and followed him. The man waited for Simon at the bottom of the hatch. They walked down a bleak hallway with no decoration. The walls were gray steel and the floor concrete. The man stopped in front of a door. He opened it and motioned for Simon to enter. Simon walked into the room and the door swung shut behind him. The room looked like a doctor's office, there was a beat up desk and two chairs. In the corner there was a medical bed. A woman entered through a door on the other side of the room, she wore a coat like the scientists wear in movies.

"Hello, could you tell me your name, please." Said the woman, professionally.

"I'm Simon," Simon replied, hurriedly. "But what am I doing here?"

The woman smiled and responded, "I'm sorry Simon, I can't tell you, please come sit so I can run a few tests." Simon sat on one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs while the woman picked up a large needle and stabbed it into his left forearm, taking a sample of his blood. The woman then stood and led Simon through the door at the back of the room. The room was grey like the hallway and there were chairs scattered around it. Simon sat in one of them. The woman said, "I'm going to test your blood, stay here." Simon nodded. He had been lost in thought when an Asian boy a bit taller than himself walked into the room and sprawled on the chair next to him.

"Hey, i'm Minho, we're all gonna die. What's your name?"

Simon stared at the boy, trying to process what he had said, before responding, "umm, I'm Simon."

"Are you immune?" asked Minho, grinning at him.

"Immune to what?" said Simon in confusion.

"The Flare, duh! That's why we're all here," answered Minho.

"Oh, I don't know," answered Simon.

"Oh, being tested, huh?" asked Minho.

"Yes. I guess," said Simon. That moment the woman walked back into the room.

"You're not immune Simon. I don't think we can use you for the... Tests. You'll be disposed of soon," she said calmly. Minho leapt out of his chair and stood facing the woman.

"Hey, no you can't dispose of him, he's my friend now." Minho grinned at Simon before turning back to the woman.

She spoke strictly to him, "Minho, you do not decide who-"

Minho cut her off and shouted angrily, "you tell Thomas and those other morons that they can't decide who lives and dies! You need a few more non-immunes for the tests anyway!"

The woman stared at him coolly, "fine, I'll go talk to the others. Wait here."

Simon stared at Minho as the woman left the room. "Thanks, you didn't have to save me."

Minho let out a sigh and slumped back into his chair. "Doesn't matter, you'll die in the maze anyway."

Simon asked curiously, "what maze?"

Minho grinned secretively, "oh, right, you're new, you don't know about it. It's this big maze that they're going to stick us all in to die."

"Oh, okay." said Simon, not really caring if he lived or died at this point.

The two boys sat in silence until the woman returned and said, "alright, Simon we've agreed, you can stay. But like the others, you will have to have a new name." She removed a piece of paper from her pocket and quickly ran her finger down in before saying, "you will be called, Newt." 

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