Chapter 10

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The Seventh Sister's POV

"Exiting hyperspace," I announced through the internal com.

"Be right there," Ezra replied.

I looked out as the stars slowed and everthing in space stilled. I could see the Fifth Brother's ship.
As I looked, I heard Ezra come into ths cockpit.

"That it?" Ezra asked as he came up behind me.

"Yes. This plan better work," I warned him.

"Still got those little droids?"

His question surprised me. "Yes. I always have them."

"Good. We are going to need them."

Ezra smiled at me as he exited the cockpit, heading for the airlock.

"Has he gone mad?" I muttered to myself.


"Airlock engaged," I reported as I joined Ezra.

"Ready when you are," he said.

I pressed the button that opened the airlock. The door swished open and I stepped onto the Imperial ship. Ezra followed and closed the airlock door. Hopefully, nobody noticed the small breach of security.

"Which way to the main reactor?" Ezra asked.

"This way," I replied, turning left.


"Don't you think it is a little strange that no one has noticed us? Especially the Fifth Brother?" Ezra asked as we slowly approached the doors to the main reactor room.

"I have a feeling this could be a trap," I said slowly.

Ezra and I paused. I reached out with the Force, searching for stormtroopers or the Fifth Brother. I didn't make it far before I found something.

"Would you like to open the door?" Ezra asked, obviously sensing the same thing as me.

"Just leave some for me," I said, never wanting to miss out on a good fight.

I went to the side panel on the door as Ezra ignited his lightsaber.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Go for it."

I pressed the button. As soon as I did, blaster fire came hurtling towards us. Ezra started blocking shots, sending them straight back to the troopers who shot them.

Ezra quickly made an advance forward. As he passed my position, I jumped in behind him, reflecting more blaster fire.

Soon, we had eliminated the whole squad.

"Only fifteen troopers? Strange," Ezra observed.

"I think we handled ourselves pretty well," I said.

"Not the way we fought. I just expected more," he muttered.

"Let's just get what we came here for," I snapped.


"We're surrounded!" Ezra shouted.

"What made you guess?" I yelled back sarcastically.

Troopers surrounded us on both sides. We were in the reacter room. Ezra was right, there were too little soldiers the first time.

Ezra and I were trapped on the middle island of the walkways. There were only two bridges branching off, both occupied by Imperials. The Fifth Brother still hadn't shown up.

"How are we supposed to get out of this one?" Ezra asked.

"Sabotage the reactor! I'll cover you!" I said quickly.

Ezra disengaged his saber and turned to the panel that controlled the reactor. As he worked, I deflected shot after shot.

There were many more troopers than before. There were multiple squads instead of the one.



My double bladed saber glided through the air effortlessly, protecting myself and the pathetic rebel.

I looked back at Ezra working. He was quickly typing away at the controls, not pausing at all.

I then realized how easy is would be to leave him there. We could get the information that the ship held, and I could leave the child here while the ship blew up. It would be a simple way to get rid of two problems, Ezra and The Fifth Brother.

"I got it!" Ezra shouted.

"That's just wonderful, but we are still trapped!" I exclaimed.

Ezra quickly looked around, and his face lit up with an idea.

"Don't think I am crazy, okay," he said.

"Why would I think you are crazy, or more than you are?"

"Because I am about to do something crazy," he said before jumping over the edge of the bridge.

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