Chapter 3

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Ezra's POV

I shook my head. "What are you talking about, Sabine? I don't work for the Empire."

"According to this you do!" She shook the datapad in the air. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Do you really think I work for the other side?"

"You were alone for most of your life! I don't know what you did in that time! You could have easily joined the Imperials!"

"Sabine, I swear, I am not an Imperial! I care about you and the crew! You are my family!"

"Ezra, I think of you as family, too, but do you realize what this means? You may or may not work for the Empire, but I have to report this."


"Because I don't know if I can believe you! When I report this, they are probably going to take you into custody."

"You are just going to let them?"

"No, I don't."

I looked at Sabine with confusion. Did she trust me or not?

"What are you saying, Sabine?"

"Ezra, I still think of you as family. So I am going to give you a chance."


"Ezra, just listen!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I am still going to report it. But I couldn't stand to see you be hauled away as a prisoner."

"Sabine, you aren't saying-"

"Just stop! I don't know whether to believe you or not. I haven't known you long enough. Besides, you grew up lying. But I can still give you time. No one else is here. If you leave now, if you are truely innocent, if this is just the Empire trying to trick us, then I know you will find a way to clear your name."

"Why not just not tell anyone?"

"Someone else is bound to find this datapad, especially if the Empire is just setting this up. I can try to help you, Ezra, but you have to go now. Just go into hiding until this matter clears up. The rest of the crew needs time to think. I will try to trust you, Ezra, but you have to prove it to me first. Now, hurry and go. Good luck."

"Are you serious?"

"Ezra, this is the best way to handle the situation. Go!"

I couldn't believe what Sabine just said. I turned around, numb with surprise. Apparently that datapad says a lot more than I thought. Enough to make Sabine do this.

I ran on rooftops, getting as far away from Sabine as possible. As I ran, I saw an Imperial ship in the sky. I paused and watched it. It landed near the edge of the city.

Then I felt it.

I felt a dark feeling. But not as dark as a sith.

It was the Inquistors.

I reached for my com to tell Sabine, but then remembered what she had said. She didn't believe me.

I took my com from my belt. I felt its weight in my closed fist, and threw it as far as I could. Tears filled my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

I turned and ran away from the Inquisitor's ship. After a few minutes, I stopped to rest. With my hands on my knees, I tried to sense where exactly the Inquisitors where.

Close, but not too close.

I rose up and continued running. I didn't stop until I made it to the other side of the city, the Inquisitors safely behind me a far distance.

I jumped down into an alley. It was deserted, being so close to the edge of the city. I managed to find an abandoned store with some supplies. I rangled up some blankets and laid down to rest.

The next morning, I left the building. I left Capital City. I left the place Sabine abandoned me.

I didn't look back.

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