Chapter 9

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Ezra's POV

"I knew you would realize it sometime," I said as I entered the cockpit. I was about to leave the Seventh Sister but she finally agreed to listen to me.

"Realize what?" She sighed with annoyance.

"That I am not just a child with stupid ideas."

"I never said that. I only meant we can try your plan, and if we don't die, I might actually trust you."

"Gee, thanks."

"As I said before, the resemblance between you and the Fifth Brother are uncanny."

"Will you stop that?"

"Stop what? Stating the obvious?"

"Why do all inquisitors have to be so sarcastic all the time I?!"

"Because you Jedi tend to overthink things."

"Okay, oh wise one, you come up with a plan."

"Oh, but am I really the one with the plans?"

"Karrabast! Why did I have yo be the one stuck with you? Why couldn't someone else get framed?"

"If you would have happened to pay attention, I was the one who got you framed."

"You told me that!"

"I was just reminding you."

"We need to figure out a plan!"

"We can just go with your's."

"Seriously?" I asked with disbelief.

"Just explain it more," The Seventh Sister seemed overly calm for the situation.

I looked at her with confusion. The Seventh Sister is nothinv like I thought she was.


After I had explained my plan to The Seventh Sister, she set the coordinates in the hyperdrive and the ship was off.

"Do you really think this will work?" The Seventh Sister asked doubtfully.

"Well, yes and no," I replied.

"What do you mean, yes and no?"

"I don't know if it will work. Kanan never let me come up with the plans. It was all him and Hera. I don't know about my ability to make a plan," I said.

"I cannot believe I agreed to this."

"What? It is just an in and out plan."

"And what if we don't sabotage it in time?"

"Good thing you have a fast ship."

"This is unbelievable."

"Hey, I have already saved your life twice."

"Twice? As I recall, it was only once."

"The bar counts."

"Are you going to be that childish?"

"If you ever get to witness Rex and Kanan fighting, you will be grateful all's that you deal with is me."


The Seventh Sister's POV

I turned the pilot's chair around as Ezra left the cockpit to go elsewhere. Why did I have to frame him? One of the other rebels would have been much better to deal with.

But I was stuck with him and his insane plan. His plan was to make it so the Fifth Brother would not be able to receive supplies from anyone by blowing up his ship. Ezra was hoping that we would be able to download some of the information from the ship to help us clear our names.

It was completely absurd. But it might just work.

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