Louis cleared his throat, trying to find his way into our conversation. Paige turned around so now we were both facing him. I tried as quietly as I could to grab Paige's hand through the bars. She then wrapped her fingers around mine tightly, not wanting to let go and neither did I.   

"If you promise not to go crazy Niall… I give you a damn blood bag." Louis said and I nodded eagerly.   

Zayn then suddenly grabbed Paige by her wrist, making her almost fall into his chest. Louis then went to go get the blood bag from a freezer that was on the wall by my cell since it was the last cell in this prison. He slowly walked over towards me and unlocked the cell before chucking me the blood bag. He then shut it quickly, making the bars vibrate slightly, making me cringe. Then he shut the door to the fridge and that's when I ripped the blood bag right open.   

But because I didn't want to scare the crap out of Paige, I did her the favour of just pouring it slowly into my mouth. I smiled as I finally feel myself started to regain my strength. I then threw the blood bag onto the floor. Then threw off the lock off of the prison cell and grabbed Paige before Louis and Zayn could say anything. I grabbed her bridal style and sped off and let the cool breeze hit our faces as I was zooming back towards the castle as fast as I can. Once we got finally got there, I ran up the stairs towards our room. After settling her down on the ground, I slammed the door and locked it behind us, making sure nobody would bother us. I smiled as I turned around and leaned up against the door and gave her a smirk. She smiled widely, her pearly white teeth fully showing, her cheeks showing her little dimples that I never actually realized she had before… how stupid of me.   

She then suddenly ran towards me and I opened my arms just in enough time to catch her. I then spun her around towards the middle of the room and once we were in the middle of the room, I kissed her. She wrapped her hands around my neck as I wrapped my hands around her waist. She was also on her tippy toes which made me try so hard not to laugh because she was so adorable that way because she was just a little bit shorter than me. When we let go though, she raised her right hand before smacking me right across the face. Of course it didn't affect me, but I was  just wondering what the hell that was for! What did I do?!

"I can't fucking believe you! You just go out and kill somebody without telling anybody?! How foolish of you! You can't just do that!" She shouted and I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. She just doesn't understand that I can't go for a long period of time without feeding… it just can't happen. And way to ruin a romantic moment there Paige…   

"I'm sorry but it's not my fault I needed to survive! When you're locked up in a room for what feels like ages without blood! I was going to have to need it at some point!" I shouted, my fists clenched at my sides. But then I looked in Paige's eyes and realized she was cowering in fear slightly, making me loosen up. I sighed heavily before I started to talk again.   

"Sorry Paige… I… I just got a bit carried away there." I said as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. I then gently placed my hands on her neck to pull her closer, our foreheads touching as I bent down towards her. I then grew serious as I wanted to ask her something.   

"Paige… since Louis and Zayn aren't here with us anymore… did Harry really make you do anything?" I asked as she gulped loudly before pulling away from me slightly and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.   

"He um… he made me… dump the body that you killed…" She stuttered making my eyes widened. That fucking son of a bitch.   

"I can't fucking believe him!! I told Louis specifically not to make Harry do that to you! Why would he listen to me anyway? Ugh! When I get my hands on him I'll-" 

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