chapter one

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so many stop signs. so many turns. so many empty buildings.
    Forks..    a small, suburban, town that really nobody knows about, and it just so happens that Im moving there.
   my dad, Charlie, is having me stay with him for awhile, while my mom is relaxing in her new vacation house. I'd rather be there but she thinks I need to spend more time with Charlie.
don't get me wrong, I love him to death. it's just, him and I just don't see eye to eye all the time.

   after what seemed like forever, I finally pulled into the driveway of the small, two story, house my dad has lived in for his whole life. it's a pretty nice house but it doesn't have a lot of room or privacy.

I jumped out of my car and grabbed my two carry-on's full of clothing. I slowly trudged to the front door and rang the doorbell.     I heard footsteps walking towards the door and moments later, it swung open.   my dads face revealed in the doorway as he smiled.

"Katie! hey! you didn't have to ring the door bell" he smiled

"I didn't want to be rude dad. I haven't been here in forever" I laughed nervously.

"well hey, I'm glad to see you." he said and backed up, allowing me to enter the house.

I walked in and looked around. nothing changed. same old couch. same old tv. and same old table and chairs that sat in the same spot in the kitchen. I laughed to myself as Charlie told me to follow him upstairs.

he showed me my room and then left me alone. I started to unpack. I put the little amount of clothes that I had brought and put it away in the closet and dressers. then I looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted.   
I didn't bother to put on makeup or fix my hair this morning because I figured I wouldn't need it.

I searched in my bag and pulled out my makeup bag. I put some concealer on and then put a light colored eyeshadow on, along with some mascara. then I French braided my hair back.

I walked to the closet and put on a fresh pair of clothing. I slipped on some yoga pants and an Aeropostale t-shirt I had recently purchased. I looked back into the mirror and was finally satisfied.

I walked back downstairs, after finally unpacking. my dad was sitting in the living room watching the news when I walked in. I smiled and sat down next to him. I looked out the window and saw it was kind've rainy outside.  I haven't experienced rain that much because I've been on the go with my mom in places like Florida and stuff.

"hey Charlie. I'm gonna go outside and maybe go for a drive. I haven't been here in forever" I interrupted the quite.

he looked over at me and smiled "fine with me. glad to have you back Kate"

one thing I love about Charlie the most, is the fact that he doesn't care what I do. he's very lonely and closed off.

I smiled and got up. I walked to the door and grabbed my jacket as I headed out the door.  I walked over to my silver car and got into the drivers seat. i started the ignition as I slowly began to back out of the long driveway.
      suddenly I saw something run at the corner of my eye. still backing up, I looked out the passenger window at the thing down the street, running, in the woods. it was moving to fast to actually see what it was, but it looked like a bear.
I wasn't watching where I was going, as I hit the tree that was in the front yard. I totally lost track of my driving and went straight into the yard.

the front door to charlies house, swung open as he ran over to my car. he looked so worried as he opened my car door.

"my god Katie! what happened?!" he said as he looked at my forehead.

"I saw something and wasn't paying attention. dad I'm sorry" I started to worry.

he interrupted my apologizing "Kate it's okay. it's okay. we need to drive up to the hospital. you got a cut on your head"

he helped me out of the car and over to his truck. he began to drive down the driveway and then down the road. it took nearly 10 minutes to get to the hospital.

I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the truck and onto the wet, black, pavement of the parking lot. I looked up at the mid sized hospital and began to slowly walk.

holding my forehead as I walked through the hospital doors, a nurse came to my side.   she helped me and Charlie down the hall and to an ER. I sat down on one of the hospital beds and waited for the doctor to come in. the nurse put an I.V in and a heart monitor, just incase there was more to my injury.
I sat back in the bed, as I heard the door open. I looked up and caught a slight glimpse of the Doctor.
I heard my heart monitor.
beep..  beep.. beep.beep.beep.beep.

I was so embarrassed. did he notice this? if he did, my life was over. the heart monitor wouldn't stop. my heart was racing when I looked at him. he was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen. he had gorgeous blonde hair, and his eyes was a topaz color. the weirdest yet most beautiful thing I've ever seen. his skin was clear and very pale.
he smiled softly when he walked in.
he opened his mouth to speak. I was in awe at whatever he was about to say. a quiet and soft voice suddenly came out of the Doctors mouth.
"hello. I'm dr.cullen" ..

aaannddd that was chapter one! hopefully I'm not going to fast in the story! I'm sorry if it wasn't any good. please leave tips and pointers In the comments! please like, share, and comment! thank you so much!

xoxo--Katie (:

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