cнαρтєя 5 (ωяιттєη ву @gυу_∂ιяєcтισηєяѕяσcк)

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Snow trickled down slowly, as Niall walked through the crime scene. Snow cracking under the weight of his boots; some boot imprints were in the snow; indicating he was there before. He slowly walked through the feild, thinking of what that note said. Those words describing him so well it was scary, but what would this 'MMM' want with him any ways. He was just a normal lad, who had a big chance to cover such a big carrer changer, that some people don't even get until their third year on the job. Niall sighed, as a cold rush of air circled around him, making him cold to the bone. The blonde lad shifted his jacket around his body; making it tighter, trying to keep as much of his body heat as possible.

"Niall!" Yelled Jade, as she made Niall break out of his trance. Her blue, black hair blew in the cold air, as she ran twords him. He chuckled slightly, as she approached him out of breath. The young girl bended forward, placing her hands on her knees, inhaling deep breaths; due to the sudden sprint,"Man, I need to work more!" She exclaimed, standing up straight. Niall couldn't help but smile. He had a crush on Jade to say the lease, but he didn't know how to tell her. Since that damn thing that 'MMM' guy sent him, hes scared to the core. "Ditto." Niall soon said, as an awkward silence went by.

"Ha, very funny Horan. I wanted you to meet one our forensic scientists; so you can interview you, for the report." Jade said, tugging a piece of her hair behind of her ear. Her smile warmed up Niall's insides; just like a hot cup full of hot chocolate. She was a genuine sweet, and you could never ask for such a nice person. She just made his blood boil with adrenaline and adortion. She had this type effect on the blonde lad; the effect to buckle your knees. He looked at her, as she snapped her fingers in his face,"Mr.Horan!" Jade shouted, making Niall look at her confused. "This is Leigh-Anne Pinnok. She will be showing you the corpes today. Now, follow her."

Niall nodded, as he looked at the dark skin lassy, as she turned on her heel, and walked away; her hands held together behind her back. Niall looked once more at Jade, and walked behind Leigh-Anne,"So, I'm going to be able to look at the corpse?" Niall asked, as he jogged a little to walk along side the tan lassy. "Yes, but for your concern on the corpse is very graphic. It's one of the most destroyed merder he has done; in a long time. I think you'll be horrified, but let's go." She soon stated, as she opened the the door to the white tent.

Forensic scientists were running around the tent looking up on all the stats. Some scientists were hovering over a piece of white clothe. Niall eyed it suspiciously, and squinted his eyes a little; trying his best to see what they were hovering over. Oldly it looked like a body. "What are they looking at, over there?" Niall questioned Leigh-Anne, as hr pointed to the forensic scientists. She turned slightly, and looked at him in the eyes,"It's the head of the body. Would you like to go, and get your research on it?" Leigh-Anne soon questioned, giving Niall a reassuring smile.

Niall only nodded, as Leigh-Anne motioned him to follow her. They soon arrived along side the operation table. "This is the body, but before I show you, this is my partner on this case, Mr. Ed Sherran." A man with spiked orange hair, deep brown eyes and a slim body covered by a lab coat. "Hi, Mr.Horan. Rumor around here is that the mysteriously serialized killer known as 'MMM' wrote that note for you," He said, tipping his glasses just below the bridge of his nose,"But, what do I know?!" He said, laughing at his stupid joke. Niall's eyes widen, as he looked at the scientist,"I playing, mate! Ah, I got ya!" Payne said, laughing even harder, as Niall's cheeks light up bright pink.

"Mr. Sherran is a jokester, so you have to watch out, eh Horan?" Leigh-Anne soon said, laughing slightly. "So, you ready to see the head?" Niall only nodded, not really in the mood to answer the question. Leigh-Anne pulled back the clothes, revealing the disembodied head. The head looked like a park of wild wolves attacked it. Niall swallowed the big lump in his throat, his palms sweating as he looked at the head. He brought out his notepad, and began to write down the report.

'MMM? Who is it really?

A few days have passes since the killing of the 23 year old lady in the park. Many people have said they have seen the killer, but yet, give us the police the right information. Studies on the head have been going on these past few days - Forensic Scientists Leigh-Anne Pinnok and Ed Sherran- have said that the body was killed with a chainsaw. But that's not all. The victim didn't die straight on the scene, she died due to head trama. We'll keep you all updated, as more information.'

Niall soon finished, as he looked at the scientists and let himself out. The poor lad has enough of seeing guts and disturbing images of that sort. He didn't care on talking to Jade; nor, to any of the other people on the scene. It was late, and he just wanted to get home. As, he exited the tent, night fall was at hand, and the air was more chill; due to earlier that day. He buttoned up his coat, and began on his way home. His boots crunching the snow under his feet; leaving foot prints along the way. But, he wasn't alone; someone was in the depths following him alone. Watching his every move, nothing wasn't going to get in his way; under no circumstances.


Niall carried a bag full of carry out with him; stopping at the near by chinnese food palace for a quick dinner. As he was walking he got the intentions of someone watching him. He turned around quickly to find no one there. Scaring himself, he started to walk fast. As he soon started to run for his life, he felt a tug on his wrist, and was pushed into a darkened ally way. Someone pressed their body against Niall's body; their breath coating Niall's face, filling his nostrils. "Hey, pretty thing. I've been watching you. Now, you ready to give up for me, slut?" The masked man asked, chuckling darkly.

Niall whimpered, trying to scream, but was cut off, as the man slapped him in the face; blood flowing from the gash,"Shut up, whore! No one is going to save you now, yeh? Now, get down an-" The masked man was cut off his speach, as he fell to floor, but not by Niall's own hands. "Get away from him now or you'll regret it." The mysterious man said, his voice deep with anger.

"What are you going to do about it?" The masked man chuckled, getting back his feet,"This whore likes it!" He said grabbing Niall by the cheeks, and forcing his lips upon his. Niall pushed him away, whimpering. He felt small, frightened, and useless. "Touch him, and that's the last thing you'll ever touch." The deep voice man said.

"Oh, im so scared!" He shouted, touching Niall once last time,"Now kill me fuck-" Dead silence. He fell to the floor, and Niall was let go. The pale lad looked more pale than he originally does. The mysterious man picked up the blonde lad, and carried him home.


"Who are you?" Niall questioned, as he layed on his bed, looking up at the dark figure. Many things were running through his head. His intntions was always running into trouble, and having someone always having to save him. "I'm Zayn. I have go um.." The mysterious man known as Zayn said. He tried to find the right words to say, but nothing came out,"I have to go home. Good night." Zayn said, kissing Niall on his forehead, and walking out of the room. Niall was now wondering who this Zayn character was, and he will soon find out; sooner or later...


Author's Notee (:

IT'S DONE!!!!!!! (: Woot!!!!!!!!! So, did you guys laugh at Liam's remark twords Niall? If so, leave it in the comments!!!! (:

Remember, Vote, Comment, Fan!!!!!

Love you?!!!

Lot's of Love,

Guy_DirectionersRock (:

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