cнαρтєя 7 (ωяιттєη ву @gυу_∂ιяєcтισηєяѕяσcк)

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Leigh-Anne leaned over the examine table, as Ed looked at the piece of hair lying under the microscope. They have been up day and night, trying their best to see who it belonged to; since then... no matches. To say the truth the murder was some trained professional who covered up his tracks pretty well; making sure not to leave anything behind, and if he did, it took them a while until they found a match. "Leigh-Anne, bring me the scanner." Ed said, not taking his eyes out of the socket of the microscope. Leigh-Anne nodded, as she turned around, and gave the scanner to Ed. He placed it next to the tool, and placed the strand of hair inside. He soon turned it on, making sure to get any valuable information out of the hair.

Soon it finally beeped, indicating that it has read the piece of evidence. "Leigh-Anne, give me the tweezers." He soon said, opening the machine up. She returned with a pair of tweezers in her hands, and handed them to him,"Thank you." He said, placing them inbetween his thumb and index finger. He pinched them together, as he grabbed the stran of hair, and placed it in a small plastic bag. He handded it to Leigh-Anne, she took ahold of it, and placed it in the evidence cabinet. "Nice work tonight, time for us to finally go home, and get some well rested sleep; good night." Ed said, walking out of the tent; leaving Leigh-Anne alone.

She walked out after, and stepping on the cold ground. She shivered as a gust of cold wind blew in her face. Foot steps could be heard in the distance; making hee curiosity grow wild. She looked around to find nothing. She started to walk quickly, not wanting to be in anythings way. As she made her Way down the road, she felt something tug on her wrist, and pull her down to the ground. Her head hit the cemented floor, as her vision soon started to blur. "Hello?" She asked, as she tried to focus, but her vision didn't clear. The stranger circled the lassy, staring down at her body; eyeing every last inch of it. Leigh-Anne could feel her skin burn up; due to the strong stare the stranger had.

He brought out a pocket knife, and slowly started to trace the tip along her clothed body. She whimpered, as she felt him rip her clothes off. He dragged the knife against her skin, carving his initials 'MMM'. Leigh-Anne screamed with agony as she felt the sharp blade cut into her skin. The pain was nothing you could imagine. The pain was just... awful. Feeling the blade cut open your skin while your half awake is the worse feeling you could ever feel. He covered her mouth, and held a tight grip upon her nose, twisting it, and breaking it; making it hard for her to breath. He took one final glance at her, as he snapped her neck; leaving her life less body there in a puddle of blood.


The blonde opened the door to his flat; hot air flowed over to his body. The heat was cranked onto high, rushing to his cold body; warming him up to the bone. Niall slowly walked into his room, and heard a creak im the far right corner. Niall's blood started boil inside as fear kicked in. His head started hurt, his stomach started to turn inside, as he started to take more steps. People would say that he was stupid for walking towards the unkown source, others would say that he was going to get killed, and die a unpleasant death; which is his choice, some would bud in. But, that wasn't his choice... this was his small flat, and he wanted a good night sleep, and no one, and he means no one is gonna take that away from him. "Who's there?!" Niall called out, as his fists started to tighten, and his knuckles turning white.

He heard a soft chuckle come from behind him, and felt a strange senstation go down to his stomach. Millions of butterflies were set free inside him; not making his stomach better... actually worse. The stranger lowered his head, and latched his lips upon the pale lads neck; extracting a soft moan from Niall. Niall tried to find that will power to pull away from the person who had a grip on him, but the grip was far to.strong. He tried to move away slightly, but he was brought right back. "Imma make you scream, like your little friend, Leigh-Anne, eh?" He said, sucking on Niall's neck; again.

Niall's eyes popped, as he pushed the man off of him,"What do you mean like Leigh-Anne?!" Niall asked, as he turned on his heel, and started to run. He was pure terrior now. Thoughts kept running in his mind that he was going to die, and maybe he was going to die... but yet... Niall thought he was in some kind of horror movie. It felt all like a game to him that everytime someone wins they ended up dead... like the victims in the Saw movies. The mystery man finally caught up to Niall, and he threw his arms around the lad; making Niall scream. "Get off me! Help!" Niall pleaded, as he was thrown on the floor. The man hovered over him, but he couldn't see the face of the man; only his.silhouette.

He ripped off Niall's clothes, and looked at the creamy, white skin. Dirty thoughts ran through his mind, as he thouht how blood would look around it - better yet on it. He just wanted to see how it looked. He reached into his pocket, and brought out his pocket knife, and opened it. Niall's orbs beamed with fright, as the man covered his little mouth,"This is only going to hur- this is going to hurt for a long time, yeh." He saie, as he carved a M on Niall's chest, making Niall squirm under him. The tan lad slapped Niall across the face, as he continued to cut a M into the skin.

Crimson colored blood leaked onto the woon, and trailed down his side until it reached the sheets under him. Zayn loved the color it gave off. It was like a master piece, that he wanted to see forever. He bent down, and licked up the blood; the blood that was leaking from the woon, and smiled. The lads blood wasn't salty;.nor bitter... it was sweet in a way...just like Niall. "You have good tasting blood, love. Can I go i- Why am I asking? Imma just gonna do it!" He said, as he chuckled darkly. He soon to carve another M. Now three M's were along Niall's body, and his body was drenched in blood. Zayn smiled at the master piece he just did. It reminding him of his first kill. His mother...

He remembered how he killed her like it was yesterday. He never really liked his mother, so he thought that was the only way to get rid of the hatred person, he has to call mom. But, that's how he got his name...'MMM' Niall bit down on the elders hand, making him sock Niall in his face. The young lad whimpered, as he looked up. Zayn looked down at the body, and smiled. He placed the blade against the skin and wrote...

' No scientist or biology...

It's only natural that I'm so affected...

It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future...

Fingerprints that leave me covered for days...'

As he finished, there was knocked on the door, and the voice behind it called,"Niall, it's Liam, let me in! Are you okay?" He looked back once more, before he disappeared into the dark...


Author's Notee (:

Omfg how did you all like that chapter?! Was it good? Was it bad? Tell me in the comments before!!!! Well I wanted to ask you all a question.... Person to leave the best comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them, a dont forget to check out... Fifty Shades of Malik! Love you all!


Lot's of Love,


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