cнαρтєя 3 (ωяιттєη ву @gυу_∂ιяєcтισηєяѕяσcк)

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Niall looked down the road as Harry's black Audi sped away; getting smaller and smaller until it was not able to be seen by the naked eye. The blonde lad sighed heavily, as he turned on his heel; soon walking to his car. The sky up ahead was dark and gloomy, and looked like rain fall can crash down on to life below any second.

He scurried over to his car, as quickly, but safely opened the car door. Finally seated and secreted inside of the car, Niall started it up; the white BMW roaring to life, as he pressed on the petal. He backed out of the small coffee shop's parking lot, and sped on ahead.

The journey to his little apartment wasn't that far down the road. A good fifteen minutes max to get there. Soon pulling into his parking space. Niall turns off the car, slowly gets out, and walks into his small apartment.

It wasn't exactly 'dirty' inside. Just a few papers here and there, but it mostly clean. Dishes piled high sparkled, as the sun.shinned on them. Nice and clean just the way Niall loved to see them.

The pale skin lad walked into his room, and straight to his desk. He slowly pulled his desk chair back, took a seat upon the soft cushioning, and pushed himself in; until his flat stomach touched the edge of the desk - he sat upon.

Thoughts of that stranger kept running through his head. His breath taking high cheek - bones, his marvelous chocolate, hazel colored eyes, and those thin lips; looking so delectable - probably sweet to the touch, maybe just like your going and your on cloud nine.

Niall placed his fingers on top of his lips, tracing them; thinking of the stranger kissing them ever so softly. He moaned softly, but soon regreted it.

"What am I doing?" He said softly to himself. He placed his hands on his face, and dragged them down. As they hit the metal table, Niall, yelled. Making the windows inside rattle loudly.

He got up from where he was sitting, and out into the cold outside. Rain started to fall, as it pelted the hard cemented floor below his feet.

Niall brought out his phone, and clicked Harry's contact. As the phone rang, Niall stood there impatiently. The ring finally stopped, and the emerald eyed lad's deep came through the other side of the telephone.

"Hello?" The lad said.

"Hi Harry," Niall said, fixing his collar; due to nervousness,"I was thinking... Can you meet me at the station? I need to talk to Simon, and I want to know if you would like to come with me; you know try to convince him to let me go." The blondie said, looking down at his shoes - which in his mind was more important at this very moment.

"Um... Sure I guess. Meet me at the station in fifteen, okay?" Harry said in a rush; to get off the phone.

"Okay, bye!" Niall hung up the phone, and jumped up and down; doing his happy dance, what - he does this dance when he does something right!

Niall ran out his apartment, and sped his way to the station.


As he got there, Harry waited by his car holding an umbrella. Niall got out, and called for Harry,"Hey curly!"

Harry turned around, as he looked at the younger lad," You made!" Harry replied back, as he walked over to the blonde.

"Of course!" Niall exclaimed, grabbing Harry by his leather jacket sleeve. He pulled him inside, and down hall.

Niall felt his stomach turning with in himself. He felt any minute he would hurl everything he has eating today; nothing. Since he was younger, he has delt with nervousness which led to depression and the final stage was something all human beings deal with; claustrophobic.

He walked down the halls, which seemed like internity to him. Niall has never walked such a long path down, but it wasn't so long though. It was quite a short pace from the front entrace to Simon's office. Along the walls hung paitings and certificates of all their accomplishments at the station, but it wouldn't have gone there without one of their best detectives; Ms. Jesy Nelson. This young detective came about two years before Harry, and she blew all of the males out of her way; not just with her looks but with her wits.

Niall smiled as Jesy walked by the two. "So Harold. I heard your going on this case alone?" Jesy said, as she placed a hand on her waist.

"Yeah, what about it?" Harry said, changing his attitude twords the female infront of him.

"Well good luck Harold!" She said, laughing as she walked away from the duo; standing in the middle of the hall.

"What ever!" Harry said aloud, walking down the hall pulling Niall along with him. They soon approached the front of Simon's office door.

Niall shakily opened the door, and stepped inside. "Mr.Simon?" The pale skin lad called out.

"Ah, Mr.Horan!" Simon said, crossing his arms over his chest," sit sit."

Niall obligated quickly, not wanting to get on Simon's bad side; never. "Simon, I would like to-"

"You have the job Mr.Horan!" Simon belowed!

"I do?" Niall asked confused.

"He does?" Harry questioned.

"Yes! I was just talking to Ms.Nelson and she recommended you for this investigation, Mr.Horan. I thought about it, and yeah I was tough on you, but I thought you weren't ready; my disclaimer. I was wrong, and since hearing that your work impressed Ms.Nelson, I thought I'm going to give you a chance. So congratulate Mr.Horan. If you excuse me, I have a meeting to attend. See you soon Mr.Horan, and good night!" Simon finished his speach, as he walked out of his office leaving a speachless Harry, and a nervous Niall.

"You got the job!" Harry said, hugging Niall tightly; until his face turned a deep shade of purple.

"I know, but Harry!" Niall said, losing breath quickly...

"Yeah buddy?" Harry asked confused.

"Can't Breath!" Niall exclaimed!

"Sorry buddy." Harry said, giving Niall a sympathetic look.

"It's fine." Niall said," Let's go!" Niall smiled, as they walking away and out of the station with no worries.

Which isn't true... Someone in the shadows watched as they walked away. He laughed darkly, said,"Your next."

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