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"Why does he have to be so damn stubborn!?" Perrie exclaimed, as she slammed her closed up fist on the metal table; inside the lab. Perrie and Harry were staring at the files, as they thought about what Liam said about the evidence,"Is he fucking trying to get us all killed?!" Perrie shouted, as she pulled on her ponytail; making it tighter upon her head. Harry shook his head in confusion, as he stared back a Perrie. His green orbs darkening as he stood frozen in place. The blonde looked at him weirdly, as he pointed behind her. A dark figure stood in the corner of the lab. "How did you get in here?!" Perrie called out, as she walked backwards; her back hitting Harry's brod chest. He chuckled darkly as he looked at the duo; a smirk upon his face.

"Oh, Perrie, Perrie." He said, as he twirled a gun in finger. Perrie looked at him in fear. His feet hit the lab floor as he circled the two. The werid part was that everytime he passed by them, his face wouldn't show; except his honey orbs that specked with yellow in the bright moon light. He chuckled darkly, as he got close to Perrie's ear, and bit down slightly; making the hair on the back of her neck stand up, and her body exploid with goosebumps. Harry threw a punch at the dark lad, but, his fist got caught in a tight grip. Harry screamed out with agony as he watched his fist break down. The crushing power of the dark lad broke the curly haired lad's hand. He dropped it, and Harry fell to the ground; tears falling down his pale face. He chuckled loudly, as he looked around the lad, and grabbed a pair of scissors, and bent down to his eye level.

Harry's eye went wide, as he looked at the psycho-path hold them. "Hah, any last words?" He asked, as he looked at Harry smirking. Harry didn't know what to say the least, as he just shook his head; indicating that he ment 'no'. "Good!" He said, force opening the lads mouth, and placed the scissors on the side, and started to cut; blood gushing out of the cut, Harry screaming - Perrie looking on petrified. He continued to cut along the cheek until he touched the lad's ear. He soon proceeded to the other cheek cutting along it, until he touched the lad's other ear. Harry's vision soon started to blur as he felt his head go light. He was hallucinating of all that was going on. It was some kind of twisted video game that they were trapped in; the twist... they were never getting out.

The man laughed darkly, as he sat on the curly haired lad's chest, and grabbed the side of his cheeks, and pulled his lower jaw down, as he pulled the upper jaw upward; watching as the skin stretched to the max. Harry screamed as he felt his skin strech like gum on the the bottom of a shoe. He soon started ti black out, his eye lids growing heavier with every single scream. The pain was too extreme, that no matter how many times a shark bit you, you'll won't be able to survive this. You seen started to see the lad's brain. Blood still gushing out of him, as he finally closed his eyes; falling asleep... forever.

Perrie screamed, as the killer turned her way; another dark chuckled escaping his thin lips, it echoing around the room - until it reached the girl's ears. She turned on her heel, as started to run; which was a huge mistake on her part. He grabbed her by the tips of her hair, and slammed the girl to the floor; making her whimper, as she hit the floor. Perrie looked around the room, as she felt something at the side of her head. She shut her eyes closed tighty, as she waited for the gun to blow her head. He cocked the gun back, as he started laughing. His laugh was always dark, no matter what he was doing; it was always dark. He pulled the trigger back, and Perrie felt something wet on the side of her head. Bubbles were flowing out of the gun, as she soon started giggling,"You'll never hurt me will you?" She ask, as she battered her eyelashes. He grabbed a fist full of her hair, and slammed her head back down with such force. He smashed her head until it exploided. Her brains went flying, and landed on the dark man's hands. He brought them close to his nose, as he stuck out his tounge slightly. The taste of freshly killed human made his blood rush with adrenaline. It was a habbit he had; such as a drug addiction or alcohol intoxication.

He smashed the brains into his mouth, moaning slightly, as he devored the rest of their bodies...





Niall's eyes fluttered open, as the white light blinded him momentarily. He sat up in bed, and let his back touch the back of the matress. He sighed in comfort, as he looked around the room. He closed his eyes a little, as he inhaled the crisp smell of the hospital ward. He felt a finger go down his neck; making him shiver. His pale skin ran up with millions of.goosebumps, and his cheeks heated up. "Finger prints that keep me covered for day. Remember that blonde." The silhouette male said, as he gripped his teeth over Niall's earlobe; pulling at it slightly. Niall pushed him off, and looked at him in worried eyes. The mystery mans eyes were now pitch black due to lust. He pushed Niall down onto the hospital bed, hard; tearing the hospital gown off the lad.

Zayn looked at the lad's hole, and pulled down his pants in one swift motion, and slammed his hips into Niall's virgin hole. Niall yelled out with pain, as the top lad started to buck his hips into Niall. The blonde lad had tears falling down from his eyes, as the top lad brushed against his prostate. "I'm cumming!" The mysterious man yelled out, as his thrusts got sloppy; riding out his orgasim. The lad pulled out of Niall, as one of the nurses walked in. She looked at them with shocked eyes, and confronted the man,"Sir, Mr.Horan is in no state for sexual conta-" She was cut off, as she the man.grabbed her by the hair, and growled in her face,"You fucking don't tell me what to do whore!" He yelled, as he threw her out of the window...

"This isn't over Horan." He said, as he disappeared into the darkness; leaving Niall with one question,"Why?"...



Author's Notee (:

Its done!!! So creepy enough for ya? In comments below, tell me your theroy on why Zayn loves to kill?! Oh, this chappie is dedicated to... Drum roll please?! *Drum roll*... @Cheeseyluv7 I love you all!!!!


Lots of Love,


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