cнαρтєя 4 (ωяιттєη ву @ωσυℓ∂ηтℓαѕт_1∂αу)

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Niall drove, along with Harry, to the scene with excitement. The brunette sat in the drivers seat, seeming calm and collected, when in reality his insides were churning with anxiety. Whilst Niall, he was the opposite, he was visibly ecstatic, both on the inside and outside. Though that happy exterior drained from his face when they arrived. He sat shotgun, content with the outcome of today. Well, until Harry couldnt find his file that is. "Fuck, no, no, no..I can't find it! Shit!" Harry rummaged through his bag, panic clouding his green irises.

"I-Its not that big of a deal is it?" He worried, feeling at the bottom of his pocket, the still damp crumbled papers had a foul stench of coffee that seeped through his fingers. "Not that big of a deal? Niall, this could have helped us catch him! It had the forensic information on the body, the past murders, the statistics! It had everything in it and Jesy was counting on me to be responsible with them. Fuck, I'm so screwed" he ran a hand through his chocolate curls. The blonde looked away at the sight, guilt pounding at his organs, he can feel the shame surging through the air, a voice inside his screaming 'tell him' whilst the other screamed 'lie' so he chose the one with the most hopeful outcome, to him at least. To lie.

"Harry, I don't think you've lost it. I think it been stolen.." He stated, quietly, hoping Harry had caught on to what he meant. The brunette froze in place, head jerking to the side. "You mean..?" Realisation pouring into his eyes as they widened like golf balls. The blonde timidly nodded "Harry I think the MMM took it. Its the only logical explanation. You said it yourself, the files can help us catch him. He obviously doesn't want to get caught." He nodded, face solemn and evident with concentration. "You're right, I'll tell the station. In the meantime, you can go look at the corpse. The head of forensics is there too..she's ugh, just..don't mess things up and please follow orders." He pleaded, and Niall got out of the vehicle, already seeing the fluorescent tape that read 'Crime Scene Investigation: Do Not Pass'

He kept his face expressionless and serious as he walked on the grass, it was quite damp due to the rain. It seems as the crime had been committed at a park, how odd, Niall thought. You'd think there would have been a load of witnesses at such a public area. The lad stopped, blue eyes scanning his surroundings. "This guy is good.." He muttered, seeing that there was a busy road nearby, how come nobody spotted him? He continued to stroll over to the tape, lifting it up and climbing under. "Excuse me, what are you doing?" A feminine voice rang through his ears. "I'm hear to look at the body, Officer Styles gave me permission" he stated, examining the girl. Her physical appearance didn't look as authoritative as how she spoke and dressed. "Oh you must be that lad Harry was talking about.." She sighed rolling her eyes. "Come with me..and please, try not to vomit all over the evidence?" She smiled sweetly, though her tone was bitter. "Awh, Jade, you're scaring the lad." Another feminine voice said, Niall raised his eyebrows. "Why is there so much women here?" He muttered and both ladies heads jerked to his direction, their eyes narrowing at him. "See, Perrie? They doubt our abilities. It sickens me" she glared at the lad. "Hm, maybe we should get the MMM to get him for us" the girls chuckled, Niall scratched awkwardly at the back of his head, why was he being insulted by two women? "He probably already is, you picked the wrong case, Niall" the one known as Jade commented, tutting whilst shaking her head, her ponytail swishing with her movements. He frowned at that, wanting to reply back but he was cut off.

"Jade, bad news, the files been stolen, we lost all the statistics" Niall recognised the voice as Harry and he immediately sighed, it was really awkward being interrogated by a couple girls. "What?!" They both yelled. "B-But that had...and the..y-you!! Ugh! Men!" She growled, angrily shaking her fist at the taller boy. "You had one job Harry! Jesy's gonna be so mad" Perrie chastised and Niall only noticed her attire now, it was similar to Harry's so she probably works as a policewoman. Jade's, however, consisted of a whitelab coat, perched on her nose were a pair of glasses, and she wore transparent gloves. "I can't believe you lost them! What kind of officer are you!?" She yelled, attracting a few stares from the other staff. "Didn't you hear me? Or is that bobble thats tying your hair back to tight? I said they were stolen!" Harry retorted, his voice raising. They continued to argue back and fourth, raising their voices in hopes that they'd win when in reality they just looked like an old married couple. "Sorry, they do this all the time. Just, ugh, wanna come and..?" Perrie beckoned over, feeling slightly sheepish. Niall nodded, following her.

"Here it is" she said, stepping back and letting Niall see the corpse. One glance and the blonde boy wanted to throw up, he could feel his stomach rising to his throat. He didn't even know if that even classified as a body, it was just separated limbs scattered around. The outline of the torso done in tape. He could see the dry blood patches all over the soggy mud. "If you think thats disgusting, wait until you see the girls face." Perrie whispered into his ear, laughing loudly at his change of reaction. He tilted his head to the side, grimacing. "How is that even possible?" He said, staring at the bloody limb. He reached for his phone, quickly taking pictures of the scattered body parts. "Where even is the head?" He asked, keeping his gaze on the screen as his phone snapped a picture. "Victim was decapitated, burnt, beaten and since the teeth on the chainsaw match the cuts on her bones, she was chainsawed. Based on Jade's autopsy. The guy left no fingerprints, none. Without a trace." Perrie replied, professionally. And Niall nodded, writing it down in his notepad.

"Hey, Edwards! We got another one today." A male voice called out. Literally everybody at the scene, even Jade and Harry, stopped what they're doing and gathered around. Niall looked curiously over his shoulder and saw one of the policemen give Perrie a box. "No luck with tracing back to where this box was sent? Any finger prints of anything?" She asked feeling hopeful. "No but.. take a look at whats inside." He said with concern. Everyone gathered around and Niall would have felt claustrophobic if he wasn't so interested in the ebony black box, with a neatly tied white bow and a tag on it that neatly said 'To my friends at the station' he would've chuckled if he didn't have a punching feeling at the bottom of his gut. Perrie payed no attention to its exterior, immediately tearing off the bow and lifting the lid. Looking at the bottom to find a white card that was typed in the font of Courier. "Oh shit.." Harry cursed, knowing where this is gonna lead to. "Read it out loud." Jade instructed and Perrie nodded.

"Pale skin, blue eyes; I see through your sneaky lies. Black coat, worn the day we met. Spilled some coffee, papers wet. Went back home, in a scurry. Thought of me? Don't you worry. Me, myself, thought of you too. We'll meet quite soon. I'll miss you, boo."

Silence filled the air, Niall frozen in place, his shoes almost sinking into the damp soil. "Is this a fucking clue or a love letter, jesus christ. Did he mail it wrong?" Harry questioned, rolling his eyes. People began to walk away, no use for them to linger anymore, the only people left were them four. Harry, Niall, Jade & Perrie, stood their examining the note. Well the other three did, Niall just stood silent. "Who knew MMM... was Shakespeare." Perrie chuckled. "Its quite cute, to be honest. I don't know who its directed to but you know what? I don't care. This guy obviously misses his 'boo'" she cooed, grinning at the paper. "Perrie, this is no time for cooing over evidence" Jade snatched it out of her hands. "It has to make sense somehow.." She narrowed her eyes, before unintentionally letting them drift towards the frozen irish lad. "Whats wrong? Scared?" She questioned, pushing up her glasses further up her nose. Niall was sent back to reality at the sound of her voice, he shook his head no before timidly stepping closer. "Don't you have suspects?" He asked shyly, with a quiet voice. "Nope, he sent one, a box i mean, before and it had no similarities to any of the suspects' handwriting, they were all eliminated" the paler boy frowned, his eyes falling to the floor. "However, he's never sent one like this before. Usually, the letters would contain one word that related to where the corpse was, but this is quite weird, it says he met them and ..got his papers wet?" Perrie made a perplexed expression. "It also states that whoever this letter was to, had pale skin and blue eyes and wore a black coat, how specific." Jade rolled her eyes. "Wait theres something else in the box!" The three heard Harry's voice announce. Their heads snapped to his direction, immediately rushing towards him and watched Harry's large hands take out a white card. Not just any white card; it was a photo. A photo of a class of 6 year olds. Niall's jaw dropped. "Wait, theres something on the back" Jade noticed, turning it around.

'You have a really nice flat, you sound so cute when you snore xx'

Niall's eyes widened further, fear rushing through his veins. He knows me, he knows where I live, he panicked. "This guy is creepy." Perrie commented "Yeah" Jade agreed "Totally" Harry added. Niall ignored the 3, biting nervously at his nails, his palms beginning to sweat. He wasn't safe anymore. He was being stalked, followed-

Niall's head jerked backwards, looking behind him feeling that similar punching at his gut. The tugging of his intestines giving him an uneasy feeling. He sighed shakily before resuming to listen to the group of 3 that were still discussing something. He knew why he did that. Why?

Because he was being watched. Again.


A/N: Tell me how I did! I love writing this, its just so exciting.

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