Ch 8 *Final Chapter*

Start from the beginning

As if to confirm my suspicion small rocks began to fall from the ceiling, bringing dirt and who knows what else with them. I felt my eyes grow to an abnormally large size as I looked at all the other girls. The bloody fool was demolishing the shack, with us in it!

Grabbing the lady who had approached me earlier’s hand, I motioned for everyone to follow me. I sprinted up the stairs while dragging the lady with me, several pairs of feet stomping on the steps confirming everyone was following.

Not bothering with opening the door I kicked it right before I crashed into it, sending the rooting object to the floor. It was quite a dramatic sight from the other side of the door I was sure.

Quickly, I released the woman’s hand and shouted directions to the front door, pushing the ladies backs as they passed me in an encouraging manor. When a short being walked passed me I smiled at it, recognizing it as the small boy from earlier this night when Riley had first chosen me to be his nightly victim. That seemed like days ago, not hours.

Eventually the last lady had exited the basement, muttering a small “Thank you,” to me on her way by. 

Nodding to her I followed to the door, not expecting to see what I did. Everyone was banging on the door, screaming at it to open. It wouldn’t open.

Pushing my way to the front I seized the door handle and twisted it, only to have it move a millimeter then stop. It was locked.

“We’re going to die!”

“This is his work!”

“It’s not opening!”

“I think I wet myself!”

That last cry startled me, but I didn’t bother to focus on it for too long, we needed a new way out of here. Fast. 

Then an idea popped into my head. How was I so sure it’d work? Simple; I didn’t. But it was the only option, other than facing his wrath and possibly being buried alive under the shack as it collapsed. 

Turning around I stood at the back of the group and cupped my grubby hands over my mouth, ignoring the agitation it was causing the skin around my mouth. “EVERYONE RUN UPSTAIRS! WE’LL MAKE A HUMAN LATTER DOWN A WINDOW AND ESCAPE THAT WAY!” I screamed, catching all of their attentions instantly.

At first, they all looked at me like I was crazy, and after all I’ve been through, I probably was. Common sense seemed to kick into a few girls as they sprinted towards the stairs, everyone soon following.

Once again I was on at the end of the stream of girls, making sure everyone was running and no one fell behind. I noticed the little boy had been abandoned as he was sitting on the ground crying into his hands, his sobs causing his whole body to shake.

Without thinking twice I scooped him up and rested his head on my left shoulder as my left hand caressed his head and my right arm wrapped around his small body. Dashing after the rest of the girls I prayed we’d all make it out alive, we had to.

Halfway up the stairs a sound echoed in the stairwell, like wood falling onto stone ground. Turning around, still holding the boy, I saw a sight that causing my pace to quicken. The stairs were collapsing at an alarming rate.

One girl screamed and that was all it took for everyone else to begin to feel doubtful about our escape. Which was the last thing we needed at the moment.

“The stairs are collapsing!” someone near the front cried, making the whole group have a sudden burst of energy as all of our paces quickened, determination in a few people spreading slowly throughout the group.

Trapped *Completed* -Editing Slowly-Where stories live. Discover now