First Snow

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"No, I haven't told him", I said to Jeffrey: "But he knows that we aren't together and that we are just friends. Also, we broke up 3 years ago."
"Phone him", he recommend me: "Just tell him. Also, you need to talk with him about this hashtag anyway."
"I don't know. Maybe he also doesn't care about it and just didn't want to write", I distracted, I didn't want to think about 2011.
"Lauren", Jeff looked at me: "Phone him. I can see that you really like him. And he obviously likes you too. Otherwise he wouldn't react that way." He winked. Hm. Maybe Jeffrey was right.
"Okay", I took my phone and went upstairs.

I sat on my bed for a long time with his contact open. Should I really phone him? I didn't see him online in League, maybe he's not even home. Just do it, Lauren! You can do it! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. As I opened my eyes again, I called him.
"Hey", Febiven answered a bit timid.
"Hey, am I interrupting y-?", I wanted to ask, but he interrupted me instead.
"No, you don't. Really. What's up?"
"Did you see the game?", I actually didn't want to talk about this hashtag that was created by the community. Jeffi. Stop it. Please!
Neither did I want to talk about my past with Jeffrey at the moment.
"Yes, I've seen it", I could feel his smile over the phone: "You played great. Sorry that I didn't write you."
"No problem", I said. Now he must think, then why did you call me? What do you what? So I quickly added: "I wanted to hear your voice." What? What? What did I just say? Hear your voice? I'm dead. I'm soooo dead. I nearly hang up the phone cause I felt so embarrassed.
"I'm happy that you called, cause I wanted to hear your voice too", he said: "Wasn't sure if you still wanted to hear mine tough."
"Why?", I already knew the answer. But I wanted to hear it from him.
"Twitter and stuff", he stopped for a second: "Have you already seen this new hashtag?"
"Yes", I admitted: "Jeffi. Like what the hell? Just cause Jeffrey and I hugged?"
He laughed a bit. For some reason I felt that his voice sounded a bit more relax now: "This community. I swear. Just ignore them."
"Yeah, we try, but it's still a bit annoying, since it's not true", I smiled: "So, what are you doing now?"
"Sitting in my room, I just put away my freshly washed clothes and you?"
"Sitting in my room too", I smiled: "Wanted to play some League, but this hashtag prevented me from it."
He laughed: "This evil hashtag tough!"
"Mhmm", I said: "So, yeah."
"And tomorrow?"
"What do you mean?"
He asked again: "What are you doing tomorrow?"
"Nothing, I guess, since it's our day off."
"So, you are free, right?"
"I guess", I said. Why did he ask?
"Maybe we can... go for dinner? Somewhere?", he suggested.
My mouth stood open. Hell yes. I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word for a few seconds.
"Lauren?", he asked with a bit of a panic.
"Oh yes", I said: "Yes, I would love to. When and where?"
"I know a good Japanese restaurant, if you like this kind of food."
"I love it."
"Good", he said: "At 5 pm? I'll send you the address."
"Great", I said and smiled.
"Then we'll see us tomorrow."
"Yes", I laid down on my bed: "Good night."
"Good night, Lauren", then he hung up.

I touched my heart. It beat really fast. I breathed fast. Everything was so overwhelming.
The way he said my name at the end. Oh my god. I could melt right now.
I still laid there for another 10 minutes until I went downstairs again.
Jeffrey sat in front of his computer and watched a replay of our game. When he saw that I was there again, he paused it and looked at me: "And?"
"We're meeting tomorrow for dinner", I smiled.
"Great", he smiled to: "And? What did he say about the hashtag?"
"That I should just forget it", I sat down: "I'm so happy now."
"And what did he say about the thing with us?"
Jeffrey. Don't ruin this situation now. Why are you doing this.
I sighed: "I didn't tell him." I already knew that Jeffrey wanted to say something, so I just raised my hand and continued: "I will tell him. But Febiven and I a just friends."
"At least today you are just friends", Jeff poked me: "I'm sure he wants more than just that. Like you."
I showed him my tongue: "Yes, yes, yes. Let's play League now."

I could hardly sleep that night. I was so excited for that dinner with Febiven. But what was it? A date? Just a meeting with a friend? I was standing in front of my wardrobe with Mary and looked threw my stuff.
"Just put on normal clothes", she said: "Not too much, you know."
I thought about it. She was right. He should get to know me as the person I'm really am.
"So just my dark red jeans, a top and my vest", I looked down: "The things I'm wearing right now?"
Mary looked at me: "Why not? You look cute in these clothes. I'm sure he doesn't like overdressed girls."
"Maybe you are right", I still looked threw my things: "But maybe..."
"And it's cold, Lauren", she closed my wardrobe: "You look fine. Don't worry. Also you have to go in about 10 minutes, so no time left to choose other clothes."
Arrgh. I didn't want to leave now. I was so nervous that I wanted to crawl in my bed and never come back out again.
"Come, let's go downstairs", she took my hand and dragged me to the living room where Jeffrey was waiting.
He smiled as he saw my face. He knew exactly what was going threw my head.
"Don't say a word", I whispered at him.
He put his hands up: "I didn't want to say something."
I looked at him with raised eyebrows: "Sure."
I put my shoes on and hugged Mary and Jeffrey.
"Write me when something happens", Mary said excited. I think she was just as excited as me.
Jeffrey winked at me: "Don't be home too late, young lady."
"Yes, boss", I winked at him too and opened the door: "See you later."

The Japanese restaurant was about 30 minutes per foot away from our gaming house. So I just put my earphones in and heard Hardcore to calm me down. I know it sounds awkward, but this music actually chills me. Incoming from Angerfist. Mhm. That's what I needed. Since it was still January, it was already dark, so nobody could see me mouthing the lyrics. At least that few lyrics that the song has.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I could already see him threw the windows. I instantly smiled. I opened the door and went to his table. He stood up and hugged me: "How are you?"
"Good, you?", I said while I took off my coat and hanged it around the chair.
"Good, good", he smiled: "Are you hungry?"
I touched my stomach: "Oh yes!"
He handed me the menu and I watched threw it. I love sushi and it was so hard to decide what I want to eat.
"What are you gonna eat?", I asked him.
He still looked at the menu: "I don't know. Probably some Sake Sushi. You?"
"I think California Maki", I already dreamed about eating them.
We ordered drinks and food. As the waitress walked away, we just looked at each other until he finally said: "So, what did you do today?"
"Playing League all day", I scratched my head: "Nothing really special, you?"
"Same", he laughed. God. Febiven's smile. I tried not to breath too heavily.
We just small-talked until our food arrived.
"Finally", I said: "Thank you."

We ate in silence, just a smile here and there. It wasn't an awkward silence. It felt really normal.
After we ate, we still sat there for about an hour and just talked about some random things in our lives.
"So basically all of my friends I started playing League with are still stuck in Silver or Gold or maybe even Platin", I laughed: "Except Jeffrey. He's the only one. I mean, we started at the same time and learned it together. So yeah."
Febiven laughed too: "Wow, that's kinda sad for these friends."
"A bit yes. But some of them aren't taking League as serious as we do."
"But from where do you know Mary, Zhen and Hiêu?", he asked.
"I met Mary in Soloq. It was a really fun game and I added her afterwards. Hiêu is a friend from a friend. And Zhen is the brother from a friend", I explained.
"That sounds complicated", he smiled: "But it's cool that you all play together for so long."
"Yes, that's really incredible. There were some fights too, but luckily not that many."
The waitress came to our table: "Do you want something else?"
"No, thank you, can we pay?", Febiven asked.
"Yes, sure. Together or separately?"
"Together", he smiled at me and she walked away.
"No, you don't have to", I started, but he just waved with his hand to signal me that it's okay. I shook my head: "Febi, please." He smiled.

As we left the restaurant it was past 7 pm.
"Wow. It's so cold", I hugged myself: "I don't like winter."
"Really? I thought every austrian loves winter."
"Oh god no", I laughed: "I hate mountains and skiing and everything that has something to do with winter."
He laughed too: "I know that feeling. I prefer summer too."
We walked a bit without any direction.
"Also I hate that it gets dark so early", I sighed.
"Yes, that's pretty annoying", he looked at me: "If you are too cold, tell me, we can go inside somewhere."
"But where?", I looked around and haven't got an idea where to go now.
"Hm", he obviously didn't have an idea too: "Wait." He looked up.
"What?", I looked up too but couldn't really see anything special.
"Is it... snowing?", he strechted out his hand.
Now that he said it, I noticed it too. Tiny snowflakes were flowing around us.
"First snow this year", I wasn't impressed cause I actually hated snow in the city. Cause after one day the snow is just mud and everything is wet.
"You didn't have snow in austria?", he looked at me confused.
"Not in Vienna", I laughed: "Two days before christmas we had 10 degree."

(Sidenote: Today is the 22th of December and it actually has 12 degrees here haha.)

"What the hell", Febiven laughed: "Weird country."
"Oh yes", I smiled: "I know."

Suddenly it began to snow more and more. Now you could actually see the fat snowflakes falling down on us. We both looked up. Nobody except us were in this street. It was dark with just a bit light from a streetlamp. No wind. No noises. Just us.
He looked in my eyes. My stomach started feeling weird and I didn't felt cold anymore but nervous. He took one step closer to me and took my hand.

"Lauren", he whipsered and leaned forward. When his lips touched mine, a warm feeling flew through my whole body. I replied the kiss and we stood there for a long time. When he let go, I was just looking at him shyly. I didn't know what to say. So I just put my arms around his neck and started kissing him again.

Even tough I hate winter and I hate snow. This was the best first snow moment that ever happend to me. As we stood there and kissed each other, more and more snow was falling around us, but it didn't bother me in any way.

NonPopular ~ Book 1 [A LCS FanFic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ