The Truth

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It felt like the whole crowd wasn't here and we were alone. Just Febiven and me.
When he stopped kissing me, he touched my cheek, smiled and went away. I hugged Spirit and Gamsu and was in a sort of trance. What just happened?
I could hear Quickshot's voice: "Well, that was an interesting game with an even more interesting ending."
Jeffrey patted me on the shoulder: "I think now your question is answered, hm?"
"I think so...", did that mean that we are now together? That he made it official in that way? Without even asking me? Not that it bothered me or something like that, no, but I was still confused.

We watched the interview backstage in our room. Febiven and Spirit got interviewed by Sjokz and Pyra.
Sjokz looked down on her list: "Uhm." She laughed: "Was that a kiss, Febiven?"
He laughed too, but blushed a bit: "Yes, it was a kiss."
"Okaaay", she smiled: "So does that mean that Meffi and you are together?"
"Yes, we are", he said and smiled.
I looked at Jeffrey: "NOW I have the answer."
"Awww Lauren, that was so cute of him", Mary poked me the whole time: "Now you are together."
Are we really? It didn't really feel that way. I actually wanted to get asked too.
At the end of the interview, Sjokz said: "Febiven, congratulations to you and Meffi."
"Thank you", he smiled.

I went to Fnatic's private room in the meanwhile.
"Oh hey Lauren", Oliver said: "Was an exciting game."
"Hm don't know", I shrugged: "We could have done way better."
"Ah, you did really good", he smiled and winked at me: "You are here for Fabiantje, I guess?"
I nodded.
"That kiss was super sweet", Lewis said to me in german and smirked.
I looked at him: "Yes, but I didn't know we were together."
"You did not?", he laughed: "Well now you do. Or does it bother you?"
"Naaah", I waved my hand: "Of course not, but I'm still overwhelemd."
Suddenly I felt a touch on my hip. I turned around and got kissed instantly. Then I got dragged out into the hallway. "I hope that was okay", Febiven said a bit timid.
"Yes", I blushed: "But you still could have asked me though."
He smiled and asked over cute: "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I laughed: "Yes!"
He kissed me again: "I just had to kiss you on stage. You looked really devastated and I couldn't wait until we got backstage."
"No, it's okay", I smiled: "Really. I just didn't expect you to be so open with us."
"Why?", he was confused.
"Don't know", I shrugged: "Maybe cause I made that experience in my past a bit too often."
Now that I said it, I had to think about Jeffrey again. I still haven't told Febiven about it.
"Don't think like that. I'm not like anybody you ever been together with", he stroked my cheek: "I really like you, Lauren."
I smiled and blushed. That made me really happy. But. I'm not like anybody you ever been together with. Hm. True, but I should definitely tell him about the thing with Jeffrey and me.
"So, tomorrow you'll come to me, Oliver cooks and we spend the whole day together?"
"That sounds good", I put my thoughts away and told myself that I will be thinking about that tomorrow. Maybe.
He kissed me once again: "I think we'll be heading home soon, be at my place at 1 pm tomorrow. Okay?"
"Okay, I'm already excited to finally eat Oliver's food", I laughed.
"You better be", he poked my nose and we went back to our rooms.

30th of January

"You have to tell him today", Jeffrey insisted while he was sitting on my bed.
I was standing in front of my wardrobe and put my freshly washed clothes in it.
"Lauren", he said seriously.
I sighed: "Okay, I will."
I sighed again: "I swear."
"I hope so", he said: "I'm not evil, Lauren. But he deserves to know. I mean, if we wouldn't talk anymore, okay, but we live together. We are best friends."
"I know, I know", I turned around: "I still try to figure out which words I will use."
"Act like I'm Febiven."
I thought about it for a few seconds: "Uhm, I have to tell you something. I've been together with Jeffrey in 2011."
Jeff looked at me emotionless: "You serious?"
"What?", I sighed: "Help me. Please."
He stood up and put his hands on my shoulders: "You will find the right words when the time has come. Also, try to explain him what happened. He will understand."
"I hope so", I looked down.
"Just give it time", he smiled: "I believe in you."

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