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I didn't realize what happened until I felt a touch on my right shoulder. I looked at the hand that touched me. It started to shake me.
"We did it!", said a voice.
I was really confused. I hardly heard what the voice said.
"Lauren, we did it!", said the voice again.
I looked up. Jeff looked at me and smiled: "Are you okay?"
"Y-yes, I think so...", I slowly looked back to my screen. It said "Victory" on it.


Suddenly it clicked in my brain. We did it. We actually did it.
I stood up and hugged Jeff for a long time until I felt another hug from behing.
I turned around and Mary stood there. Then I started hearing everything. My Teammates. The Casters. The Crowd.
We just won against Dignitas EU. We just won the THIRD game against them.
I started smiling too. I just actually realized what it means.
We are in the LCS. We made it. After all these splits in Challenger Series.
Our Coach patted us on our shoulders: "Go and shake their hands."
We walked over the stage. I could barley see all these people standing in front of the stage, screaming and clapping their hands. We shook all of Dignitas EU players hands and went back to our computers.
"Lauren, Mary, Jeff. They want to interview you three", told us a Riot Member who brought us instantly to Sjokz, Krepo and Quickshot.

This was the day we made it to the LCS. We, the Team NonPopular. We needed one year to make it to Challenger Series and another year to achieve this victory. We've been threw Ups and Downs, but we will always stay together.

But before we start our journey, let me introduce you to my teammates.

On toplane we have Mary "Mikuo". She's a cute girl, who is really tall and has short dark hair. I know her since a long time, we met in Soloq one day and instantly liked each other. She has a good heart and can lighten our emotions with her jokes easily. She's a Riven god and this is always a secret weapon for us.

In the jungle we have Hiêu "AsianAustrian". He's the oldest of us and has great knowledge about the game. As already said in his name, he is asian. Normally he is pretty silent, but in game he is one of our important shotcaller. He's a really nice guy and you can always talk to him. He's pretty known for his awesome Lee Sin plays.

Then we have another asian on midlane. His name is Zhen "Kirito". He's the youngest of our team and also the most childish one. His jokes are really weird, but we still laugh, cause he is just so lovable. He always dreams about all the fangirls he will get, but most of the time he is just joking about it. His favorite Champion is Yasuo, but we not letting him play this Champ, cause he can do way better with other Champs.

My ADC is Jeffrey "Jefferson". My best friend. I know him since years and we share nearly everything. We just talk about everything, we know each other so well that we hardly need communication on our lane. In my opinion he is really handsome, kinda looks like Joseph Gordon-Lewitt. But he's like my brother, so I wouldn't even think about falling in love with him. Our best botlane is Tristana with Nami. The E - E Combo and our synergy is so strong.

And last but not least, we have the Support. Me. Lauren "Meffi". I'm a little girl with long brown hair. I don't know what to say about myself. I just love League and I love my team.

NonPopular ~ Book 1 [A LCS FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now