The Hashtag

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Since the Roccat line-up is still not offical, I'm gonna use the rumor-team that Summoner's Inn posted and since they are 90% right, I'm gonna trust them now.



22th of January
Week 2, Friday

"Any last tips for Roccat? Since you have already played against some of them", I asked Febiven while we were eating.
He thought a bit: "Hm. Edward and Betsy are really aggressive laners, so tell Zhen he should definitely care in early game. If Betsy gets the right champ, he will try to kill his opponent as soon as he can."
"Okay, yeah, we already told Zhen that", I laughed: "I mean, we always tell him to keep it safe, since he tends to overestimate himself easily."
"I've seen that in some games and I already met him a few times in ranked. He should definitely care."
We smiled at each other.
"Do you have any tips for me? I mean, you already played against the Unicorns", he winked.
"Ha ha", I said: "Like you never played against them."
"Not against the new team."
I just looked at him with my "you serious?"-glance. If we have beaten them so easily, then Fnatic will do it even smoother.
"By the way. What's going on between Mary and Kasing?", Febiven moved his head to another table. Mary and Kasing sat there alone and were laughing all the time. Kasing stayed after his game against Origen just for Mary. Even though they lost.
I smirked: "I don't know, but I think they really like each other."
Febiven looked at me and smiled. What does that mean now? He confused me so much sometimes. Especially when I saw him. Just one look in his eyes and I couldn't concentrate anymore.
"Fabiantje", I heard a voice behind me: "Come on, we need to go now."
I turned around an Oliver stood there. He smiled at me: "Sorry that I have to take him away from you."
"No problem, he needs to win now", I smiled.
"Good luck for you later."
"Thank you. But we're gonna see us anyway after your game."
"True, true", Oliver smiled and walked away.
Febiven stood up: "So, yeah. We'll see us in about one hour."
"Good luck", I smiled.
"Thank you", he smiled at me for a few seconds and went away.
I watched him as he walked down the hallway.
"You're so cute", I kinda forgot that Jeffrey was still there sitting next to me.
I turned to him: "Did you say something?"
"I said that you are cute", he laughed: "Didn't want to interrupt you two flirting."
"Flirting? Yeah, right", I rolled my eyes: "You mean talking."
"Mhm. I mean talking, sure", he laughed: "Come on. Let's watch the game."

Fnatic took down the Unicorns of Love after 23 minutes with a strong performance. As they got backstage, we were already there waiting for our game against Roccat. Febiven came directly to me and hugged me: "You were right." He winked.
"Of course I were right", I laughed: "Anyway. Good game tough."
"Ah, nah. Now you have to beat Roccat", he smiled: "And don't think about the loss from yesterday, okay? This is a completely new game now."
"Thank you", I murmured and blushed a bit. He really motivated me. Just his smile would have helped, but now these words. Wow.
He hugged me once again and then we had to go on stage.

Again we played Blue side. It almost felt normal playing on stage after three games. It didn't really bother me anymore and it was also kinda funny in front of the whole crowd.
"Just keep calm", Heinz stood as usual behind us: "This game will be easier than yesterday. We will now concentrate on the pick and ban phase and we will win. Good idea?"
"Great idea", Hiêu laughed.

We banned out Kassadin, Lissandra and Viktor to narrow down Betsy's champion pool.
They banned Dr. Mundo, Gangplank and Lulu.
As we talked in scrims, we first pick the support for me. This time it was Nami.
Fredy122 picked Fiora and Airwaks picked Alistar for Edward.
Hiêu picked Nidalee and Zhen picked Miss Fortune for Jeffrey.
"So far so good", Jeffrey said. Until now we were all pretty happy with our picks.
Betsy then picked Rek'sai for Airwaks and Jebus picked Kalista.
"Kalista Alistar", Jeffrey sighed: "I don't like that."
"Will our comp come out the way we want?", Zhen asked us all.
Heinz answered: "Yes, it will. You just have to play it right. Make the last two picks. I'm confident."
So Jeffrey picked Orianna for Zhen and I picked Malphite for Mary.
The old but gold Orianna-Malphite Ultimate combo. Combined with Nami and Miss Fortune Ultimates.
Edward waited a long time for his last pick. Then he picked LeBlanc for Betsy.
"I don't think that they win in late game", Heinz said: "So, for today I want really good communication between Jungle and Botlane in early game. Lategame Top and Mid communcation. Try to always talk to each other and get a perfect Ult combo. Just one combo can turn around everything, always think about that."
Then he walked off.

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