The Big Final

158 8 3

9th of April

It was 3 hours before the big final started. Febiven and I were sitting at the buffet along with the rest of Fnatic and Jeff. Kasing was sitting with Team Vitality, and Zhen and Hiêu were still at the hotel. It was a weird situation, cause nobody really wanted to talk about the games, but they also wanted to discuss their strategies. So, it was a tense atmosphere.
"Try this", Febiven said to me and wanted to feed me with some meat.
"Wait, no. This is too big."
Suddenly everybody was laughing around us.
"Are you serious?", I sighed: "You are so childish." Nevertheless I had to laugh too.
"Things Lauren says during sex", Jeff winked at me.
"Shut up", I rolled with my eyes: "Come on, Febi. Feed me." I looked at him.
He kinda started blushing a little bit, cause of Jeff's comment. He put his fork into my mouth and smiled: "And?"
I chewed and swallowed it: "Well, it's meat. So, it's good." I laughed.
I looked around and saw that nearly everybody from his team was looking at me: "What?"
"Interesting how you eat meat from Fabian", Lewis smirked.
I shook my head: "I'm just gonna... What? Are you all substitutes for Zhen?"
Jeff laughed: "Somebody had to say it."
Febiven shook his head too, but didn't say a word. He just continued feeding me.
"So", Oliver just came and sat down: "Are you guys ready for a last discussion?"
"Yes", Rekkles smiled: "I don't know if Fabian is, but we are ready."
Oliver looked to us right in the moment when his fork was in my mouth. I had to cough really hard, cause I nearly swallowed the whole piece of meat in one.
"Okay", their manager said and stood up slowly: "Just come when you are finished."
"I will", Febiven smiled.

After they discussed their strategies again, we stood behind the stage and waited for the opening ceremony to start. I was happy that I didn't have to do that again, even though it was actually a really cool experience.
Febiven sighed heavily.
"Nervous?", I smiled.
He didn't answer my question, instead he just blushed a bit. He didn't want to admit that he was nervous. So, I pulled him closer to me and kissed him.
When I let go of him, he just smiled.
"I'll be right here watching the games with my team."
He nodded.
We remained silent for the rest of the waiting time, until a Riot member came and told us that it will start soon. So, I had to go.
"I love you", I smiled.
"I love you too, my little Lauren", then he gave me a last kiss and I went off.

We sat down in a room where the stream was live. Jeff, Hiêu, Zhen and Heinz were already there. I sat down next to Jeffrey. A few moments later Mary joined us, she still had to motivate Kasing. So there was a bit of a rivalry going on between us. Even though she was a Fnatic fan, she kinda had to be a Team Vitality fan either.
The first game wasn't really long. Fnatic dominated it completely, it lasted for 22 minutes and was pretty brutal to watch. But it was also really amazing to see that they were on their top form again.
But Fnatic often dominated the first game and then made many mistakes in the following games.
The second game was a bit chaotic and Team Vitality could close out the game after 48 minutes. It was really close and it was so sad to watch. Just one mistake at the end and Fnatic lost everything.
In the third game you could obviously see that Fnatic tilted hard. Like really hard. This time Team Vitality dominated everything from the beginning on. After 27 minutes it was over and I could see in Fnatic's faces that they were devasted.

The break started and I stood up. I felt like I was playing the game right now. I looked at Jeff with a question mark in my face. He knew that I wanted him to come with me. So he took his ciagrettes and we went outside.
I took a deep breath and walked some steps, while Jeff light his ciagrette.
"Do you think they gonna turn it around?", I asked.
Jeff shrugged: "I don't know to be honest. The first game was so perfect and then Team Vitality played like beasts. But everything can still happen."
"I hope so", I sighed: "Febiven looked so down. I just want to be with him now."
"Maybe it will be over in one game."
"Don't say that", I shook my head: "They will turn it around. They only need to win these two games now."
"They always managed to find their way back in. They will do the same thing again now", Jeffrey smiled at me.
"I hope so."

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