No League Day

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Okay, uhm, so yesterday I read that Oliver (izpah) joined H2K as their new manager and I actually don't really know how to cope with that feeling, cause I'm gonna miss him really badly. Whenever we were at the LCS, we always had a good time talking with him. He's such a cool and funny guy and I mean, he still is a cool guy, but I just don't understand his decision to leave Fnatic. It makes me really sad :( but in my fanfiction he will stay the manager of Fnatic and in my heart he will always have a place for the best manager!

Also I wanted to tell you that I appreciate every vote and every comment and I'm so happy that you like my fanfiction! <3 thank you for all the support!
There won't be an Update until Monday or Tuesday, cause this weekend is really stressfull :/
But after that I'm still gonna try to update daily (or at least every 2nd day), but it's gonna be a bit harder now that I'll be working soon, but I'm gonna give you more information when I know an exacte date!


"I don't want to play against Origen next week", I sighed.
"Psscht!", Febiven kissed me to shut me up: "No talking about League today! Today is our day-off, so we will enjoy it without thinking about anything League related."
I looked at him: "You're right, but I can't think about anything else."
"Well, at least your phone is at your gaming house and you won't get mine to look threw Twitter", he took his phone and put it wide away from us: "We're gonna play that we are just two normal people who aren't pros."
I laughed: "That's a good idea."
Sometimes I just wished that I was a normal person that isn't known by all the League players. I mean, I can still walk around in Berlin without being chased by fans, but online, it actually is that way. You can't do anything on Twitter without thousands of people knowing it. But since Jeffrey had my phone, I was happy to be unable to look threw it.
"But what are we gonna do today? I don't want to lay around, cause then I will think about ... it", I sighed.
Febiven thought about something: "Wait." Then he stood up and walked out of the room.
I rolled out of the bed and grabbed his Fnatic T-Shirt that was laying on the floor. I smiled at it and put it on. Oh, I love that material.

(Sidenote: I really love the material of the Fnatic T-Shirts. It's just so comfy. <3)

When he came back and saw me with his T-Shirt on, he looked at me for a second and then went out again. What the hell? A few seconds later, he came back in, closed the door, went to me and picked me up. I was confused: "Why did you go out?"
"I just had to tell the others that we will need more than just 20 minutes for showering."
"Okay?", next thing I know, he put me down on his bed and started to kiss me.
"You look really good in my T-Shirt", he smiled at me: "I like that."
I giggled and blushed: "Thank you. Maybe, I can have it?"
"You can have an old T-Shirt of me with the old Sponsors on it. We aren't allow to wear them on stage anyway, so you can have it."
"Yes!", I smiled.
He stood up from me and looked at me for a few seconds. Then he shook his head and smiled: "We have time for that later."
"Do we?", I sat up and took his hand.
"Oh yes", he looked away and bite his under lip: "I asked the others if they want to go eating with us. In this sushi restaurant."
"Oh, I think they can wait another few minutes", I smiled. He just looked so hot at the moment, I just couldn't resist. He leaned down and gave me a long kiss. I wanted to pull him on the bed, but he didn't let me. He just shook his head. "I will go and take a shower now", then he walked out of the room. I sat on his bed with my mouth open. He did not just refuse me. He just did it. I laughed a bit. Well, that's just the way he is and that's a reason I love him so much.

I looked around his room and opened the wardrobe. Oh my god, so many stuff from him. I took out a pullover and smelled it. Meanwhile I closed my eyes and sighed. Just so good.
What are you doing there, Lauren?, I thought and had to giggle about myself. I hung it back and saw his phone laying there. I looked at it for about a minute, cause it was so hard not to take it and look threw Twitter. I just wanted to know what was going on, even though I knew that it is going to hurt me.
Luckily I heard a voice behind me: "Lauren?" I turned around and Noxiak was standing there.
"Everything's alright with you? You looked really devastated on stage yesterday", he said in German.
I nodded: "I'm better now. It was just that situation that made me feel so sad, but I'm fine." I faked a smile.
"Okay good. But you know, you are still a good team", he winked and walked away.
That was actually really nice of him. I mean, it didn't cheer me up or something like that, but I appreciated it. It's just that there was hardly anything that could make this better. I just had to learn to cope with it. But it was harder than I thought it would be.
I looked back onto his phone. I sat down on his bed and closed my eyes.

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