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As you may have noticed, I updated the cover! What do you think of it? Do you like it? Any suggestions to make it look better? Also I updated the description since this book will end soon. So now it comes out more that this is the first book of ... I don't know how many. But at least 2!


Team Vitality's composition looked really strong. They had Fiora, Lee Sin, Viktor, Corki and Alistar.
But we felt strong too. In these few hours we thought about a new strategy. So we picked Lissandra, Elise, Zed, Lucian and Braum. It was risky, but we just had to try out something different, cause they already knew our old strategy against them.
Heinz sighed: "So, last game. Don't force anything. You basically have nothing to loose. Even if this will be a defeat, this is not the end of the world, okay? So don't rush anything, don't exaggerate and always talk. Never stop talking. I want all of you to place good wards, many pink wards. Good vision control in this game. Also, Hiêu make sure that botlane survives the early levels. Also Midlane will need some help. So roam between these two lanes a lot. Good luck and see you after the game." Then he walked off stage.
It felt good that nobody was in front of us. That there were no viewers anymore. I mean, of course there were viewers online, but it was different if they sat right in front of you.

When the game started, we all went botlane and made sure to place deep wards to see if Hjärnan and Kasing will laneswap or not. They didn't so we also stayed botlane. Also if it was a bit harder for us, we wanted the 2 v 2 lane, cause Lissandra can easily win the early game against Fiora, if Mary played it right. And she did play it correctly.
Hiêu started roaming botlane after a few minutes: "I'm coming from behind." He flash cocooned Hjärnan and Jeffrey could easily take First Blood.
"Nice", we all screamed. That was a massive boost for us. We started to feel good again.

Early game went pretty good for us. Another kill for Jeffrey and another one for Mary. Midlane was just a farming lane.
The laning phase stopped as we got our 2nd dragon of the game uncontested. We were a bit confused that nobody showed up, cause we weren't that ahead. But suddenly we got caged from both sides. Lee Sin jumped in and kicked Lucian into Fiora and Viktor. Jeff flashed away, but died nevertheless. Meanwhile Lissandra ulted the Corki and Zed could take the kill. I ulted Fiora and Viktor, but we used everything else on the Corki, so Alistar knocked us up and Nukeduck got a double kill. I flashed away and could get away cause of my shield. Massive teamfight.
"Don't tilt", Hiêu tried to calm us down: "We got drake and they only got a few kills."

We were all silent. Nobody talked for a while.
"Guys, we should talk, you know?", Hiêu suggested: "Like, does anybody know where the Elise is? Also, we need more wards. Zhen, you are in base. Buy a pinkward."
"Okay", he sighed: "Where do you want it?"
"The question should be, where do we need it? Keep it, we need it for the next dragon fight. They surely won't let us have the 3rd drake for free."
And Hiêu was right. The few minutes after the first teamfight were just pushing and farming minutes, but the next dragon fight was completely chaos. We just couldn't get our composition off. The only one who died was the Fiora, but they Ace'd us and got the dragon. Well, let's just say it the way it is. Since then we played like shit. We weren't concentrated nor motivated. Only Hiêu really talked, I sometimes added something, but after Team Vitality got the baron and Ace'd us again, the game was pretty over. We could have surrendered, but we didn't want to. We wanted to play it until the last minute.

After 31 minutes, the game was finally over. We just sat there and looked at our screens. I shook my head and sighed. We were again redside, so I was the last one to stand up to shake their hands. Before Kasing was there, I sighed heavily again. Then I stood up and shook his hand. Hjärnan gave me a warm smile, Nukeduck just looked at me, Shook and Cabochard smiled too.
I sat down again and packed my things. Wow, we really fucked up. I turned to Jeff, who looked really sad, but nevertheless he smiled at me: "Well, time to face H2K next week."
I nodded: "Nice and then we will face Fnatic. I mean, if we win."
"We will do our best. We already beat them twice", Jeff hugged me: "And now let's go home. I'm really tired."

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