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17th of March
Week 9, Thursday

We played the last game against Gamers2, so we came later than usual. Fnatic already played the second game against Elements. When we arrived, the game just started.
"And are you nervous?", Mary poked me the whole time.
I sighed: "Don't remind me. I just hope they'll like me."
"Ah", Jeff patted my head: "Just be yourself. They'll like you for sure."
"I hope so. I can't even think about our game right now", I laughed a bit.

The game lasted for 23 minutes. Fnatic came out with a strong win.
I sighed: "I'm just gonna hide here. I don't even want to go out."
"They have their fanmeeting now anyway, so you can still relax", Jeff tried to cheer me a bit up, but I started shaking really heavy. I haven't been so nervous in a while.
"What should I talk with them?"
"You'll find the right words when you need them", he smiled at me: "Don't worry. You don't have so much time for them anyway since we still need to talk about our game."
That lightened my emotions a bit: "True. And by tomorrow it will be better."
"That's the right mentality."

After about 20 minutes, Oliver came into our room and grinned at me: "Lauren."
"Yes?", I looked at him with wide eyes.
"You can come now."
"I can? Uhm", I looked at Jeff helplessly.
But he just pushed me to stand up: "Go. You can do that. I believe in you."
I nodded slowly: "I hope so." I went with Oliver to their room. And then I saw Febiven standing there with his father, Pieter, and his sister, Nadeche. I stood in front of them and didn't know what to do. I felt that I started blushing when Nadeche stept forward to me and hugged me: "Hello! I'm so happy that we finally meet!"
I replied her hug: "I'm glad too. I heard a lot about you."
"Yes?", she turned to Febiven: "What did you tell her about me?"
He shrugged: "Only good stuff."
Then she turned again to me: "Well, I heard a lot of stuff about you too." She leaned forward and started whispering, but still made sure that Febiven could hear her: "He always daydreams about you."
I smiled: "Ohhh." I looked at Febiven and then at his father. Oh, I nearly forgot that he was there too! I stretched out my hand, but instead he pulled me in for a hug: "Nice to meet you, Lauren."
I was a bit overwhelmed: "Nice to meet you too."
"You are really as tiny as Febiven described you", Pieter laughed.
I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled.
"And are you already excited for your game?", Nadeche asked me.
"I don't know. I'm more nervous for tomorrow's game against Vitality."
"We are facing Origen tomorrow. So two hard games", Febiven took a step closer to me: "By the way." He gave me a short kiss, cause we haven't even seen us today.
I blushed a bit and smiled at him.
"Oh, how cute", Nadeche smiled: "I would ask you so many things, but I know the whole story anyway."
I looked at Febiven. I was a bit confused that he really told his sister everything, but I was also really happy that he obviously liked me that much.
I turned to Nadeche and Pieter: "I would love to talk to you more now, but I have to go back to my team. My coach still wants to talk about some strategies. But we will see us tomorrow?"
"Of course, no problem", Nadeche smiled and gave me another hug: "Good luck for your today!"
Pieter wished me good luck too and I walked back to my room.

When I entered, my whole team looked at me like I just killed somebody.
"What?", I looked at them.
"How was it?", Mary asked curiously: "Were they nice? What did they ask you? What did you say?"
"Slowly, slowly", I laughed and sat down next to Jeffrey: "Of course they were nice. Especially Nadeche, she instantly hugged me."
Mary smiled widely.
"Told you it won't be that hard", Jeff said and poked my cheek.
I poked his cheek too and smiled: "Yes, yes. I was still nervous though."
Heinz stood in front of us: "Well, now that you managed to be successful with Febiven's family, let's be successful with our game today too."

We were blue side, so we already felt confident. We just preferred playing on this side, just like most of the teams.
Our team consisted of Tahm Kench, Rek'sai, LeBlanc, Lucian and Alistar.
Gamers2 team was Gnar, Elise, Orianna, Ezreal and Bard.
I was a bit nervous at the beginning cause of the Alistar pick. Jeffrey and I trained with this Support a lot, but since that one bad game, I felt uncomfortable on this Champion. That was shown in the early game a lot. I played really shyly and didn't want to go in, cause I was too afraid of making a mistake. But with every minute that passed, I got more confident.
Midgame was pretty good for us, but one teamfight at the dragon pit got us a bit behind again. But due to Hiêu's good shotcalling, we could steal Baron and take the win at minute 36.

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