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2nd of April

"Next week London", Zhen said enthusiastically.
"I'm so looking forward to it", I smiled. I love London. I've been there already a couple of times and it's just a beautiful city. And since the Spring Split Finals and the third place match will take place there, we will travel there next week.
Fnatic, Origen, Team Vitality and we made it into the Semi-finals. Vitality won against the Unicorns of Love just as expected. Today we faced Fnatic and tomorrow Vitality faced Origen.
"I guess we will face Origen in the 3rd place match", Hiêu said and sat down in our private room: "I mean, Vitality looks really strong and the thing about us, you know."
We all laughed. We were pretty sure that we're gonna lose the games against Fnatic. So our next goal was 3rd place. But we were already fine with top 4 EU.
Heinz shook his head: "This mentality. But at least try it today."
"We won't troll", Jeff laughed: "Don't worry, we don't want to get a punishment by Riot, just cause we troll."
"We will take it serious", Hiêu added: "We will try to get at least one win. And if more, why not."
Our coach just sighed. He knew that we already accepted that we will lose today: "Anyway, I still want you to do your best. And now let's go behind the stage. The first game will start soon."

While we waited backstage and got checked by a security guy, I was with Febiven all the time. I didn't really see him as an opponent, I must confess that I actually didn't really take the games seriously. I think my team just saw it as an opportunity to try out other and maybe even weird compositions, which we could never try out it important games. And since we knew that we couldn't beat them, we wanted to try some other strategies. And Heinz was fine with that.
"Nervous?", I smiled at Febiven.
"Of course. I mean, we face your team", he laughed.
I punched him softly on his right shoulder: "Don't be so mean. We will try our best today."
"I'm just joking", he gave me a short kiss: "I'm sure that you won't make it easy for us. For real now. You grow a lot as a team during this split."
I knew that he was serious with every word. That was a beautiful compliment.
"And on Tuesday we will fly to London", I smiled: "I can't wait for it. Well, not for the flight, but for London."
"I'm excited too", he smiled: "Also keep in your mind that the stage will be huge there."
Oh no. I completely forgot about that. The stage will be bigger than here in Berlin and there will also be more people. Suddenly I got a bit nervous about that fact.
"Gonna be ...", I searched for the right word:"interesting? I guess?"
"When I played on such a big stage for the first time, I was nervous too", he smiled: "And believe me, I always will be. When we played against Koo Tigers in the Semi-finals, I was so nervous that I forgot my password."
"Ohhh", I laughed: "Well, that doesn't really make the situation any better now."
"Let's not think about that. Now we have to play a game, right?"
"If it only would be one game", I sighed. I didn't want to play at least 3 games. Best of 5s got really nerve-wrecking after the 2nd game already, cause there can always be a reverse swap from our opponent. But this time we were for sure that this best of 5 won't have 5 games.

Shortly before we entered the stage, Febiven gave me a last kiss: "Good luck, my little Lauren."
"I think you need to luck more than me though, Febi", I grinned and then we walked on stage.
We were red side, so I had the place leftmost. I plugged in my stuff and looked into the crowd. Well, 90% of them were orange-black. Of course Fnatic had more fans than us, but it didn't bother me in any way. Cause I would be rooting for them as well.
I sat down and put the headphones on.
"Let's lose this!", I heard Zhen's voice.
"Be at least a bit positive", Hiêu sighed: "Or at least please don't make the games too embarrassing for us."
"We will try", Mary laughed too.
It was a relaxing atmosphere in our team and I think that also helped us a bit in the games. We weren't so nervous as last week.

The first game started.
Fnatic's team compositions was Gnar, Kindred, Lissandra, Kalista and Alistar.
Our team was Fiora, Elise, Lulu, Lucian and Braum.
"Well, since it's the first game. Don't worry too much. Just focus on the game and on the objectives. I actually don't know what to say right now. Just play the composition right and yes, don't exaggerate. Good luck and see you after the game", then Heinz walked off stage.

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