C24: RTX (Day 1) Pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Uhhh, I think I might have some friends of mine take care of you... Don't worry, they're really nice! I just don't want you at the panel, since it wouldn't be very age appropriate ," Mark said, chuckling towards the end of his sentence.

"Oh... ok," she said hesitantly. She's never really been separated from Mark for a long period of time. Of course, she was with her Uncles, but she was going to be with people she had never met before... It was all going to be very new to her.

She put those thoughts aside and focused on all the fun she was going to have meeting fans and spending time with her Dad.

-Mark's POV-

Leilah seemed worried about being alone for the panel, even though I assured her everything would be fine. I can see why, after what happened yesterday. I swear if I see that guy at the con...

Whatever, he better not be there. For his sake.

Leilah and I got ready just in time to meet up with Bob and Wade in the lobby. They were signing some stuff for a couple of girls who were also going to the con, judging by the badges around their necks.

"Good morning, everybody!!" I said loudly, getting the attention of the girls, sending them in a fit of squeals.

I felt my heart swell when they saw Leilah. She was still very shy but was doing a lot better. I signed the girls shirts and took selfies with them and they were extremely thankful.

"We'll see ya later at the con!" both them yelled as they exited the lobby.

"Wow, Mark. You just had to come in here and steal our thunder, huh?" Wade said jokingly. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Hush. I'm so hungry! Let's grab something and head to the con."

_Skip to RTX_

3rd Person

The con was flooded.

Leilah couldn't believe there were so many people waiting in line! Some people were even in tents!

The special guests had to get inside the exhibit hall before the people were allowed, so the inside was still empty.

Mark and them had to get their booth ready for signings and what not. Leilah watched as other 'special guests' arrived, not sure if she recognized some.

Some guys were really loud, hanging around a bright orange booth with a weird creature on it. There was about 8 of them or so and 1 girl. There was a lot of booths with people setting up monitors and controllers, too.

"Hey, Leilah, go look around before it gets crowded. Since we're 'Special guests' we get first pickings!"

The con didn't actually start until noon. Leilah checked her seeing it was only 9:12. She had about 3 hours to dick around and meet other 'special guests'.

"Ok."she said, hugging Mark beofre she left.

"Don't go too far!" he called to her, before returning to the booth.

Leilah slowly made her way over to the orange booth she saw the other guys go to. They seemed to be arguing about where they were going to sit at the booth.

"I wanna sit in the middle, you shit!" One of them said, his arm covered his tattoos.

"Fuck you, Aleks! I'm gonna sit here!" One wearing a black hoodie and beanie screamed at the other.

"Both of you, stop it! Aleks just sit over here," The tallest one, wearing a red baseball hat said.

Leilah wasn't sure whether she should say hi or not. considering the one with the beanie actually seemed pretty pissed. It was too late, because she was spotted by one of the other guys there, getting the attention of the rest of the group.

Leilah panicked. "Uh, hello! My... Dad, is letting me look around for a bit and- uhh..." she trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Who the hell brings their daughter to a gaming convention?" A British one spoke.

"Are you sure you're supposed to be in here? You seem kinda young..." The one with the red baseball cap said.

"She's wearing a fucking 'special guest' badge!" The one with the beanie said.

Leilah looked down at her badge, confirming the fact that she was, indeed, wearing a 'special guest' badge.

"James!" The red baseball hat one scolded.

"Jesus, you guys are scaring her!" The girl said, walking up to Leilah and kneeling beside her.

"Hey there! My name is Stefani, and these weirdos are called 'The Creatures'. They play video games for a living." she said, giving Leilah a smile.

"That's what my dad does too! He's not in a group like you guys, though." Leilah said, looking back at the group of men.

"Who is your dad?!" The tattoed one said.

"His name on YouTube is, Markiplier," she said excitedly, hoping they'd know who he is.

After that she could not understand anything thing they said because they were all talking over eachother. There was a lot of swearing.

"Waitwaitwaitwait! You're Mark's kid?!" One of them said.

"Yeah, that's me," Leilah answered awkwardly.

"Why didn't you say so?! I know you're Dad! I've played with him once or twice. The guy never rests!" The beanie guy said.

"Cool! What did you play with him?" Leilah said, getting closer to the booth.

"I played a weird sonic game with him once. He's a really cool guy! My name is James by the way," James said, giving Leilah a big smile. "And this idiot over here is Jordan," He cackled, pointing to the guy in the red hat.

"Don't be so mean, James!" Jordan whined, pretending to be sad. Leilah giggled at their antics.

She continued to talk with them for another while before she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

It was none other than Mark. "Hold on, one sec," she excused herself, answering the phone.


"Leilah, where are you? Jack is here!" Mark said over the phone.

"Really?! Where is he!" Leilah squealed.

"He's right here, come back to the booth," Mark giggled. Leilah hung up before he could say anything else.

"I need to go meet someone! It was fun meeting you guys! I have to go, bye!"

Getting a few responses from the bunch she ran as fast her little legs could carry her back to where Mark was.

She rounded one last booth and saw Jack, recognizing him from his videos. She ran up behind Mark and looked up at Jack.

"Yeah, it great to see you- Leilah, there you are. This is Jack!" He said, motioning over to his Irish friend.

"Hey there, Leilah. It's so nice to finally meet you! Mark has told me so much about you!" Jack beamed, leaning down and putting his hands on his knees to talk to Leilah.

"Haha, really?" Leilah asked, looking up at Mark, who just gave her a small nod. "Mark says that you're a great guy, but I can't know for sure until we hang out, Uncle Jack."

Jack let out a tiny sqeak when Leilah called him 'Uncle Jack'.

"Aw, Mark! Did you get her to call me that?! That is too adorable," Jack laughed, getting a couple of chuckles from Bob and Wade.

"Yeah, you guys are like brothers to me, so it makes sense. And it's a lot less explaining to do," Mark giggled, snickering at end.

"Is Jack gonna be at the panel, too?" Leilah asked, wondering if she'd get to spend some time with Jack.

"Yeah, he is, mouse. But don't worry, we're all going to this really cool arcade later tonight. You'll have plenty of time to get to know him."

Leilah nodded excitedly, looking up at Jack.


Ey long chappy for y'all cuz I'm a bum


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