C16: Twitter

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Leilah's face contorted in confusion. How on earth did she have so many followers already???

She unlocked her phone, swiping one of the icons causing to app to open automatically.

She scrolled through the hundreds of notifications and couldn't believe her eyes.

She scrolled to the very bottom and finally saw a picture of Mark.

She tapped on it, seeing that Mark had tagged her in a tweet.

"Hey guys! Go spam, Leilah's new Twitter account I made for her! @Leilahplier Be nice!"

"Jesus..." she breathed.

She literally just made this account and every two seconds almost 200 hundred people followed her at a time.

She found herself constantly refreshing and reading most the tweets being sent to her.

All of them were either greetings or silly questions.

Leilah went back over to her page and decided to tweet something.


"Not to sure how to use this???"

"@Susansusanplierrr @Markiplier is my actually my dad, yes.

She spent the next hour or so answering questions and getting to know some of the fans. They were all extremely nice which caught Leilah extremely off guard. All of these wonderful people were asking her if she was having a good time with Mark, or that they're happy she was finally adopted.

She was elated! She covered her face and hugged her pillow tightly with joy.

She went back to her page and tweeted something again.

"All of you guys are so nice! Oh my gosh!"

She smiles at all the favorites and retweets the simple post got.

She continued scrolling but suddenly ran into a cluster of, different comments...

"Wow. I know Markiplier is fake af but this is low even for him smh"

Leilah stayed silent and continued to read, eyes flaring.

"I can't believe Mark is using this poor girl to get him more followers wtf #downwithMark"


"Fuck YOU @LEILAHPLIER Mark doesnt love you, he just wants mor subs!"

Leilah gasped at the sudden string of hateful comments. She finally turned off her phone and buried her face in her pillow.

"How can be people be so fucking mean...!" She screamed into her pillow.

Her phone continued to buzz from the endless pool of notifications.

She grabbed her phone and was about to go tell Mark what happened, until she remembered he was recording.

She figured that she shouldn't bother him for a while and walked back towards her bed.

She sat back down at her bed and opened up her phone once more, ignoring Twitter.

She noticed the Mark downloaded YouTube onto her phone. She quickly opened it made herself an account with the gmail she had and named it Leilahplier not knowing what else to put.

She went to Marks channel, subscribed and decided to watch some videos that had Uncle Bob and Wade in them, so she could know what to expect.


She spent the rest of her time watching almost all of Marks videos.

She couldn't believe they were the same guy! He was hilarious! She binged the whole FNAF series and laughed her ass off watching him play Happy Wheels.

She must've spent the most of afternoon watching videos, because soon Mark walked in and immediately noticed she was watching his videos.

"Haha, you like my videos?" he asked, taking a seat on her bed and looking over her shoulder.

"You cry a lot," she said, not looking behind her. Mark burst out laughing at her response.

"Your fans are really nice, well, most of them... I can see why you'd get so overwhelmed to the point of tears..." Leilah said softly, looking back at Mark and pausing the video she was watching.

"Why do you say most of them?" Mark asked curiously.

"Some of your fans are really honest on twitter..." Leilah said flatly.

Mark's eyes grew wide. "Did they say some mean things?" he said cautiously.

"Yup..." she popped the 'p'.

Mark sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I should've explained that earlier; people say mean things that don't really matter..."

"I know... I think deep down, I knew that all of these nice people were too good to be true. I'm glad that the good out weighs the bad, though." Leilah said sitting up and leaning into Mark.

"Yeah, I'm still should've said something, mouse... I'm sorry," he said, putting his arm around her and lightly ruffling her hair.

"I'm fine..."

Adopted by Markiplier! || 11 year old (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now