Pete slid off the table and went to poke at the fire. "Sarah, are you sure you're thinking this through?"

"It's just not fair, Pete!" Sarah started crying, she couldn't hold back. "I wish this was your baby!" She covered her eyes and laid her head on her knees."I'm sorry." She whispered.

Pete looked over at Sarah's huddled form. He heard the pain in her voice, realizing what she was saying. He wanted to go and comfort her, but he didn't trust himself to get close to her. He felt the distance growing between them already. "Sarah, I'm sorry."

 "I've made such a mess of my life and you've been so good to me. You've been there for me when I needed you most." Sarah gave a watery laugh, "You've even made love to me when I needed someone to love."

"Sarah, I made love to you because I love you. But it was too soon for you. I knew that you were vulnerable and I took advantage of that. I should have waited, just like I had told myself that I was going to do."

"No, Pete! I wanted you to love me that night. I needed to know that I was still capable of loving like that, of having someone to love me like that. You helped me more than you know."

"Yeah, that's me. Always ready to help you. Even if it means I lose my heart in the deal." Pete said bitterly.

"I don't even know where we stand now. Can we go back to friends after this?" Sarah was desolate.

"I hope so, Sarah. You're going to need friends to help you." Pete walked over to stand in front of Sarah. "I'm going to stay here at the tent for a few days. I'll get what I need from the apartment tonight. Do you need a ride back?" Pete asked quietly.

"Yes, please." She swiped at her eyes, "I walked here."

Sarah went into the tent and got her bag; she was ready to leave. She spotted the joint, sitting on the chest where she had left it. She picked it up and put it in her pocket, she would smoke her last joint by herself.


After Pete had gotten enough clothes to last him a few days, he stood by the door, ready to leave. Sarah was sitting on the couch, watching in a daze as he walked around, gathering up his things.

Pete held the door open, "Sarah, if anything major comes up, you know where I'll be." He waited, hoping she would ask him to stay. He hung his head at her silence. "I'll talk to you in few days."

Pete walked out and closed the door gently behind him.

Sarah stared at the closed door, for several minutes, hoping that he would change his mind and come walking back in. But she realized that it wouldn't happen. She and Pete were finished as a couple, maybe even as friends, now.

Sarah lit the joint, inhaling deeply, she needed to get high right now. She cupped her hands around her nose and mouth, filling them with smoke, then inhaling through her nose, trying to get as much out of her last joint as she could.

When the joint was short, she unclipped the beaded twine bracelet that she wore, using the alligator clip on the end as her roach clip.

She smoked it until there was nothing left, puckering her lips, to inhale the last bit of smoke. Then she laid her head back, to get lost in the high. Her hands rubbed over her stomach, and she tried to picture herself with a bigger belly.

But the picture was edged out by one of Sam and Gisette, with a baby. Sam had already made his choice. For two nights, she'd had the same nightmare.

 Sam was onstage singing the last song, it was "Hearts of Glass". Then he would run off stage and Sarah would wait for him to come running to her.

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