Merry Christmas (Part 3)

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Jake and I walked in the door around four o'clock after visiting his mom at the prison. He was just exhausted and I could tell he needed a nap. I quick kissed him after shutting the front door. "Hey, why don't you take a nap. Hallie and I are going to plan for tonight. Shep said that Chelsea will be here at seven."

He didn't need any persuading. He walked over to the couch, pulled our blanket over him, and crashed. I found Hallie in the guest room with my mom and Gen. "What are you guys up to?"

My mom looked to me in the doorway, "Just planning for our trip."

"Oh, okay. What time are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Our flight leaves at noon, so we should be there by eleven."

"Okay sounds good. Hallie, wanna help me plan for tonight?"

"I'd love to!"

Hallie and I walked downstairs and started thinking about what we'd want to eat and where we'd want to go. I grabbed a pen and paper, so that we could jot down ideas for the evening.

"OH! What if we had a picnic up on the mountain? We could get sugar cookies, sparkling cider, and have sandwiches and chips. It would be so fun!"

"We wouldn't get to eat until like nine though. Is that okay?"

"I think that should be fine. We'll just have a small snack before we leave."

"Alright lets do it!"

I walked into the living room and laid on Jake. He looked up at me, "That was the shortest nap I've ever had." He said laughing. "What do you want beautiful?"

"Ummm... can you pretty please drive Hal and I to the store? We need to get food for tonight."

"I'd love to do nothing more." He pulled me into him and kissed me softly. My mom walked down the stairs and let out a little laugh, "Please no PDA in the house!"

(PDA = Publice Display of Affection...)

We both laughed, surprised that my mom actually knew what PDA actually is.

(6:50 that night)

Hallie and I came down the stairs with Nike sweatshirts on and each of us had a new pair of Miss Me jeans that we got for Christmas. The two of us hurried to the garage to put on our cowgirl boots. I had curled my hair, and braided Hallie's.

We walked in from the garage and saw a young girl in the front hall. I assumed it was Chelsea.

"Hi there Chelsea. I'm JJ." I walked up and wrapped my arms around Jake. Hallie stood next to Tom and we all looked to Shep waiting.

He was confused, "What are you all looking at me for?"

"Well are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Tom laughed.

Embarrassed, Shep started, "Oh yeah. Umm, well this is my brother Tom and his girlfriend Hallie. Then our kind of cousin JJ, and her boyfriend Jake whose Tom's best friend."

Chelsea looked confused, "What do you mean kind of cousin?"

"Well, our dad's have known each other since before we were born and so we've been family since."

Chelsea nodded understanding. "Well, you guys can just call me Chels. That's what everyone else calls me." She wrapped her arms around Shep's arm. Jake and Tom smirked at him while nodding in approval.

"Well, do we wanna go?"

"Sure, did we get the food?" Jake said looking at Hallie and I.

"Yep, I've already got it hitched to our horse." I looked to Chelsea, "We only have four horses right now, my horses are still in Dallas, are you okay with sharing a horse with Shep?"

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