Girls Just Suck Sometimes

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Tom and I had so much fun Saturday nignt. We were up until three in the morning just watching movie after movie. I always loved to act like a kid with him again, and watch Disney movies. He was literally my best friend. My mom always joked around with me saying things like, "you never know Jay, he could be the one you marry someday. I married my best friend, who says you won't?"

I would sometimes think about that. What if I did end up with  Tom? Then I'd laugh and realize he looked at me like a little sister. 

Our parents were home the next day around noon and came in the door together. We just looked at them and laughed. Shep, for once got off his game toy thingy, and looked at us, "What are you guys laughing at?" 

Jake and I started laughing even harder. "You'll know when you're older..." Jake said barely getting the words out he was laughing so hard. 

My dad walked in the door and threw his bag on the ground. "Best day EVER! I spent the day with my princess, and the night with my queen." He said hugging her and then leaned down to kiss my mom. I still could not stop laughing. "Oh my gosh you guys get a room."

My mom turned around, "We already did... last night."

"I think I'm going to be sick." 

A few hours later we were all sitting on the couch watching supernatural with the whole family. Shep of course was glued to his game, but the rest of us just enjoyed the time we had together. It had already been a month since school started and Tom and I just enjoyed our down time with our Dad's since we never got to see them. 

Later my dad looked at his watch and said to my Uncle Jared, "We better go bro. We have to be to the studio tomorrow by ten." Jared looked so annoyed and kissed Aunt Gen. "Love you beautiful. I'll miss you."

Gen started crying. It was always the hardest on her when our Dad's left. My mom was shooting a movie so she was just as busy as my Dad and sometimes got to fly up and see him in between shoots. Aunt Gen had to play "mom" and only got to see them when we did. "I love you Jared. Call me every night okay." Tears started rolling down her face, and Jared pulled her onto his lap. "Hey beautiful, why don't you come up to see us this weekend with Danneel?"

She looked up at him, "What about the kids?"

He looked to Tom while still holding Aunt Gen in his arms, "Tom, if your mom comes to see me this weekend will you guys be good?"

"Sure, can we can have Jake and Hallie over?"

My dad looked at Jared, "Uhhh, I don't know if I really want him over without Gen here."

"It's okay sir, I'll watch them and punch him if he does anything stupid." Tom said to my Dad.

"Alright, I trust Tom more than anyone else. It's find with me." My dad replied.

Jared looked to Gen, "The kids will watch the house, why don't you guys come Thursday and stay till Sunday?"

Gen wiped her tears, "Sounds good. I'll miss you Moose."

I always thought it was so adorable when she called him that. He was so much bigger than her and I loved that nick name for him. Funny thing is, a lot of fans don't know that she came up with that name. The writers decided to have Crowley call him that because they loved it when Gen called him that. 

"I'll facetime you ever night, okay Genevieve?"

"You better." She put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He got up to go and grabbed his bags. My dad looked at my mom, "I'll see you Thursday?" He said to her.

"Sounds good Jay." I loved how we had the same nickname. That's why they named me what they did. My mom loved the name Justice, and my middle name was after my Daddy.

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