Full of Surprises

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The ride back was great, although I was already exhausted. Jake sat on the saddle on the way home, and I sat turned around in his lap with my arms around him and I fell asleep on his shoulder. It was kind of nice because I really needed some sleep. 

After about an hour and half we were home. Us girls raced for the showers and Hal and I hurried to get ready so that we could help Ariel get ready for tonight. Once we were ready we walked into Ariel's room who was just getting out of the shower and sat there in her robe painting her toe nails. 

"It sucks to know that eight months from now I won't hardly be able to do this."

I laughed and said, "If you really want your nails painted, then you can just call us and we'll be up here in a heartbeat. I can't wait to see you and your little baby bump!"

Hal and I were dressed in our cute cowgirl jeans. I took her shopping a few weeks ago for some new jeans. I got myself a new pair of Miss Me's and she got a pair of Rock Revivals. We were both in love with the cowgirl style of jeans. 

I wore a flannel shirt and curled my hair in some loose wavy curls. Hallie had on her angel wing shirt that she got to go with her new jeans. We both had gotten pair of cowgirl boots too. She had straightened her hair and had done her make up so beautifully. She rocked the natural make up look. I had her do mine as well. 

Ariel was sitting on the side of her tub and we could tell she was super nervous. Hallie ran into the closet and grabbed her an outfit. She had some adorable Wranglers picked out and a pink and black flannel shirt. 

Ariel looked at the outfit and said, "Oh gosh, that's Parker's favorite shirt."

"Good! Put it on." 

Ariel started crying and we both knew she was just crazy hormonal right now and we tried to help. "Hey, Ariel. Hey, what's wrong? What can we do?"

She wiped her eyes and said, "Oh nothing, I just love that shirt and soon it won't fit me anymore. What if Parker doesn't love me? What if he leaves me once he finds out about the baby? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh trust me Ariel, he won't leave you. I'm pretty sure tonight you're thoughts will change. Just let us help you get ready. You haven't gained any weight yet right?"

She looked annoyed with that comment. "I just found out this morning, I'm barely even pregnant."

I raised my hands defensively. "Sorry. Sorry... I just wondered if your jeans would still fit. Haha, I'm sorry. I'm still new to this pregnancy thing."

"It's alright Jay."

We helped her get dressed and Hallie did her makeup as I curled her hair. She had totally changed her mind set. She was so excited for tonight and nervous all at the same time. 

By seven we walked out and the guys were sitting talking in the family room. 

Parker turned around and was speechless. Ariel wasn't one to wear a lot of make up, and she stuck with pony tails, so I'm pretty sure he was caught off guard. 

Ariel walked over to him and grabbed his hand, "Well, shall we go?"

He just stared at her amazed and she started again, "what are you looking at?"

"You darling." He pulled her into him and he laughed, "Since when do you wear that much make up?"

She turned to Hallie and I, "See I told you he wouldn't like it."

Parker started laughing, "When did I ever say I didn't like it."

He laced his fingers with hers and together they walked out. We were driving Parker's truck to the pizza place tonight. 

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